Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 52 ) - November 29, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 52 ) - Gratitude ( 感恩 ) - Nov., 29, 2010

Gratitude is the corner stone of happiness as an ungrateful person will never be satisfied with what he or she already possesses. Being ungrateful will lead to an insatiable desire to covet everything one does not have. It will easily turn into greed. Because there are always more good things that one doesn't have than those that one has ( by definition good things must be scarce otherwise they would become average things if they can be found anywhere at any time ) the logical inference of this scenario is very straight forward. Ungrateful people will keep asking for more and this unreasonable expectation is the cause of endless unhappiness for themselves and for all those around them. On the contrary, if you are content with what you have any slight increase in your possession will be a cause for celebration and hence holding such a positive attitude will actually increase your potential for happiness.

感恩是幸福的基石,因為一個不識感恩的人,是永遠不會滿足於自己所擁有的一切。不識感恩,會使人孕育出一種無盡的慾望,去渴求自己未得到的東西。這也是貪 婪的開始。道理十分簡單,因為每一個人所擁有的美好東西,一定比其所擁有的不好東西為少的 ( 物以罕為貴,好的一定比壞的為少,因為這是好的定義 )。由此推理,會得到簡單的邏輯結論。就是不感恩的人,必然貪得無厭,而因此令到自己和身邊的人,感到無盡的苦惱。相反,如果你對現在所擁有的一切,感到 滿足,那麼你得到少許收穫,便會感到雀躍不已。因此,持這種正面態度的人,無形中便增加了自己會得到幸福和快樂的機會了。


Friday, November 26, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 51 ) - November 27, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 51 ) - Misnomer ( 錯配詞 ) - Nov., 27, 2010

There are many words in the human language that have been grossly misused. Most of them have wrong meanings arbitrarily imprinted on them. Let me show you what I mean.

Logic is always treated as good but, in fact, it is neutral in meaning. Logic simply means being self consistent with no implication with respect to value judgment. For example, the question of how to ration water during extreme shortage in a desert expedition is an interesting proposition. Economic logic relating to efficient distribution of scarce resources will say that it should follow the law of supply and demand. The richest guy gets it for the highest price in auction while everybody else will perish. That is obviously inhumane and a heartless approach. Following things to their logical conclusion may not be good at all because logic is not meant to be good but merely a rule to make our thinking self consistent.

Another notorious wrong usage of words can be found in the use the term quantum leap to describe progress in their policies by politicians. As a matter of fact, quantum is the smallest possible jump in the energy level of an excited atom. It only sounds big and mystical and mainly because of this politicians use it to entice the voters to put them in power.

Other words such as equilibrium, efficiency, stability and the like are usually treated as positive words whereas they are neutral by themselves. Whether they are good or bad depends entirely on the context in which they are used. For example, a sub-optimal equilibrium in the economy would be bad. Being efficient in exterminating people like the evil Nazis in WWII is revolting. The next time when we use such words think twice before assuming that they are all positive in meaning. We must think smart.


邏 輯一辭,經常是被人當作是正面的意思。其實,邏輯本身是中性的,沒有好也沒有壞意思。它只是表示一樣東西沒有自相矛盾吧了, 並無正面或反面的含意。作個比喻,當在沙漠中不足夠水去分配時,應該如何處理?依照有效分配資源的經濟理論,就是以價高者得的原則去處理。最富有的人便可 以得到食水,而其他的人都會給渴死了。這顯然是沒有人性的做法。一承不變地去追求邏輯,並非一件好事。因為,邏輯只是用來確保一件事情,不會自相矛盾吧 了。

另外一個錯誤用辭的例子,便是政客常用的quantum leap或量子級跳。他們用作非常大的進展那個意思。其實quantum leap是最低限度的能量升級,與他們的用意剛好相反。只因為這名詞有神秘感和動聽,政客們便拿來吸引選民,希望自己取得權力吧了。

其他如平衡,效率,穩定等名詞,皆是類似的辭語,本身是中性的,視乎應用的來龍去脈,才可定其性質。但在日常應用時都被用作正面性一般。比如,經濟平衡在 一個不適當的水平便不是好事。或者,如二次大戰時,德國納粹黨有效率地殺滅猶太人,這便是嘔心的惡行,絕無正面意義。所以,下次我們用詞,必須三思而行,才 可用之得宜。我們應該擁有醒目的思維才是上算。


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 50 ) - November 25, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 50 ) - Strangers ( 陌生人 ) - Nov., 25, 2010

Strangers are in fact friends we have not yet met. There is a Chinese saying that goes like this : - " Within the four seas everyone is a brother ( or sister ) to one another ." Of course, this ancient saying must be modified to include the ladies. That is why I have taken the liberty to include the word sister in parenthesis. Given the fact that all living things have originated from stardust there is no reason why we cannot all be friends. One is always able to find differences if one's mind is set on looking out for them. Once I have heard a friend jokingly say that one can never really repay a financial debt because the money used for repayment is not the same dollar notes that were lent in the first place. On the other hand, another generous friend of mind has said that when a friend forgets to repay him his debt he would consider that the debt no longer counts because it exists no more in his borrower friend's mind. Of course, these are two examples at the extreme ends of the " difference / no difference " scale. Going back to natural science there is a very strange phenomenon at the subatomic level ( i.e. quantum mechanics ). Elementary particles have the mysterious ability to have instant communication with each other across unlimited space and time once the pair have been involved in an interaction originally. Perhaps, this is the strongest cue yet of the true nature of all things. That they are actually one when they were created in nature. So, why look for differences ? Above all, never treat strangers with undue suspicion or apathy.

陌生人其實是我們未認識的朋友。中國古語有言:「 四海之內皆兄弟( 姐妹 )也。」在這男女相等的時代,當然要把句子修改一下,所以我在括弧內加上姐妹二字。由於一切生物都是來自星塵,所以我們沒有理由不成為朋友。如果我們存心 要尋找差異,我們必定會尋找得到的。比如,我有一位朋友,他說錢銀債務,是永遠不能真正還得清楚的。為因還錢時的鈔票,並不是借貸時那些鈔票了。這真是雞 蛋裡挑骨頭。相反,另一為朋友卻說,假若他人忘記還錢給他,他會當債務不再存在。因為在他的借錢朋友心中,已等於沒有債務存在了。當然這是兩個極端的例子, 不過在大自然中,亦會給我們一點啟發。在原子以內的世界,亦即是量子物理學中,每一對曾經互相接觸過的粒子,都有離奇的超越時空的即時感應能力。可能這 是大自然給我們最大的暗示。即是說,所有宇宙中的萬物,都是同出一轍的,又何必分彼此呢! 最重要的是,以後不要以小人之心,和冷漠的態度對待陌生人了。


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 49 ) - November 24, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 49 ) - True Self ( 真我 ) - Nov., 24, 2010

One's true character can only be seen either at the best of time or the worst of time ( This is not a quotation from Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities ). During the better times in one's life there is often a tendency for one to indulge in self satisfaction or worst still egotistic expansion. One is used to seeing newly rich people shouting at waiters and their servants as if the newly rich were superior beings from outer space. The same kind of people could also disgrace themselves during the worst hours in their lives such as when they experience a failure in their career or business. In those unfortunate times, people would easily resort to illicit means by hook or by crook to revive their fortune. All scruples will be thrown out of the window so to speak. In between times, it is usually very difficult to see one's true character except when a conflict of interest arises between you and the subject who could be your friends or even relative. We could all chalk it up to human nature but that is not a helpful approach at all. Rather put oneself at a higher perspective and all our troubles will be cut down to size - the right size in the context of our life and better still nature. If one can manage to do this one will amicably restore one's composure and regain one's peace of mind to revert to one's normal self which by and large is not really one's true self. Despite this unsatisfactory situation one must strive to reveal your true self in the best way by acquiring a balanced sense of value so as to create a normal self which will then become your good and true self.

一個人的真性情,只能在本人最佳時刻,或最壞時刻,才會表現出來的( 這並不是引用狄更斯雙城記中的句子 )。當一個人在幸運中,往往會得意忘形,只顧追尋自我滿足,甚至自我膨漲。我們經常看到新進的富豪,對侍應或庸人,呼呼喝喝。就好比自己是從外太空而來的 超人一般。同一類的人亦會令自己出醜。比如,他們生意上或在事業上失敗時,十分容易誤入歧途,不顧一切地去搏回自己的財富或事業, 把個人原則,擲出窗外不顧。在一些沒有那麼極端的時候,通常是十分難觀察到一個人的真實性格。也有例外的時候, 比如你和他們存在利益衝突,這時就算是朋友或親戚關係,也會真性情切底表露,爭過不了。我們可以嘆息這是人的劣根性。但是這樣對事情並沒有幫助。寧可將自 己放在一個更高層次,退一步海闊天空。我們的煩惱便會變為小一點,在整個人生和大自然中,佔一個比較合理的大小尺碼了。假如我們能這樣做,我們的心態也會 回復平衡一點。我們便可以回復心境平和,達到正常狀態。但正常可能不是最真和善的自我。雖然如此,我們必須學習達到一個平衡的價值觀,這樣,一個正常的我 便可成為一個真善美的真我了。


Monday, November 22, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 48 ) - November 23, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 48 ) - Star Dust ( 星塵 ) - Nov., 23, 2010

Who says science is a subject with no romance at all ? Such advocates better think again. All living creatures are , in fact, made of star dust. Our destiny has been and will always be found in the spectacular array of stars that twinkle in the night sky like jewels in an open treasure box. That was actually the description of the cosmos I gave to the reporter when I was interviewed by ABC Science ( Australian Broadcasting Corporation - Science Website in April, 2010 on my part in the Galaxy Zoo project - see this link here ( including my comments at the bottom of the report ) :- ). So, it turns out that our destiny is really in the stars after all.

Every star including our sun is a cosmic nuclear fusion cooking pot. The cooking process starts with the most simple atom which is hydrogen composed of one proton ( with positive electric charge ) and one electron ( with negative charge ). When the star heats up nuclear fusion takes place and two hydrogen atoms fuse or " melt " together to form helium composed of two protons and two electrons. This fusion process progresses until carbon is formed which is composed of 14 protons and 14 electrons by a miraculous process known as resonance without which carbon can never be formed. As everyone knows carbon is the basis for all organic matters so that there would be no life without carbon. This is not the end of our life story which is much more intriguing. The fusion process will progress further until the chemical element of iron with 26 protons and a like number of electrons is formed. Then the process ceases because iron is the most stable element. When all the hydrogen in a burning star becomes iron the nuclear fuel is exhausted and the outward pressure exerted by nuclear fusion reaction will be gone and the force of gravity takes over causing the dying star to collapse upon itself under its own iron mass. The gravitational collapse will result in a tremendous explosion know as a supernova ( meaning new star ) because it marks the beginning of the formation of a new star from the debris of dusts and gas scattered around in space by the supernova. These will coalesce eventually because of gravity until the mass of the debris is dense enough to cause the nuclear fusion process to restart. At this stage a new star is born.

There is still another mysterious twist in the recycling of the cosmic debris created by a supernova explosion. For stars bigger than 8 times the size of our sun the gravitational collapse of the iron core at the end of the nuclear fusion process will be unstoppable and a black hole will be formed. It is known as a black hole because it is infinitely dense so that even light cannot escape. For our earth, the escape velocity of a space rocket leaving the grip of the earth's gravity is about 24,000 km per hour. Light has a velocity of 300,000 km per second. So, one can imagine the density of mass in a black hole. Astronomers cannot see a black hole. Its presence can only be detected by faster than normal movements of stars circulating the black hole as if they are circling nothingness. Most galaxies including our own Milky Way harbour a black hole in their centres. Without the gravitational pull of a massive black hole in the centre our galaxy should have disintegrated long ago judging on the speed of the revolution of a billion stars around the Milky Way centre.

This is the romantic story of our life and humble beginning for creatures both big and small, good and bad. Who or what is the most noble person or creature respectively ? All and none ! All things ( including inanimate matters ) cannot be more equal. So, it is not who or what you are that is important but what you do. If your deeds are in line with the greatest law of all which is the law of nature you are a noble being. Otherwise, you are the anti-hero which is synonymous with the devil if you hurt the environment and its creatures. This applies to all creatures whether they believe in the existence of God or not. The eternal law of nature which is that of cause and effect will ultimately catch up with the devils. I have absolutely no doubt about this. Another vital moral lesson to be learned is that death ( like in a supernova ) is the beginning of life and life death. Therefore, we must accept the inevitable and recognize the achievable. May we all have the wisdom to tell one from the other. Apart from valuable knowledge we can also derive a lot of profound insight and inspiration from astronomy. In my humble opinion, it is an essential subject for all people especially those in power because astronomy can confine politicians' inflated ego to an acceptable level.

誰說科學是一門絕不浪漫的學問。這種想法的倡議者,應該重新檢討他們的思維。因為所有的生物,都是始源於星塵。正是那些耀眼地閃爍着的滿天繁星。它們就有 如一個打開了的寶箱,滿載奪目的珍寶。以上的描述,正是我對澳洲廣播局( ABC SCIENCE )記者,訪問我有關 Galaxy Zoo 這個天文學研究計劃中的參與時,我對該計劃的吸引力之評語。這訪問是ABC在 今年四月作出的。這是ABC SCIENCE WEBSITE 的全文: 從以下的講述,你們會了解到,我們確確實實是從星塵而來。

每一夥星包括我們的太陽,都是個核聚變( nuclear fusion ) 的烹調爐。烹調過程是由最簡單的氫原子開始。氫有一夥proton為核心,外邊有一夥負極的電子圍繞着運行。當星星因核聚變而發熱後,兩夥氫原子便融合為 有兩夥protons和兩夥電子的helium ( 氦 )。由此類推,以致形成有14夥protons和14夥電子的碳原子了。就有如人所共知的事實。碳是一切生命和有機物質的基礎。但這並不是生命由來的整個 故事,因為整個過程是更加曲折奇異。核聚變會繼續直到鐵元素形成為止。鐵有protons和電子各26夥,而且鐵是最穩定的元素。到了這地步,核聚變便停 止下來。當一夥星的氫全都變成鐵的時候,星便再沒有由核反應所產生的向外爆炸力量了。因此,重力( gravity )便成主要向內壓的能量。最後,這個全是鐵的星星,便會由於重力過大而爆炸, 這巨大無比的爆炸,就是supernova( 超新星)的奪目耀眼奇觀了。它叫作超新星,是因為這就是另外一夥新星誕生的開始了。過程是這樣的,supernova 爆炸後,餘下的塵和廢物,再度會因 gravity ( 重力 )而凝聚。到達密度十分高的時間,核聚變又會再度發動。此時,一夥新星便再誕生了。

其實,這故事還有另一個枝節。是有關星塵和其他廢物的循環再用。假如爆炸的星,是比太陽大上八倍或者以上的話,該正在死亡中的星,會不停止地被重力壓縮至 成為黑洞。後者是個極度密集的點,連光線都不能逃跑出來。以地球而言,火箭要有每小時24,000公里的速度,才可脫離地球的吸引力, 亦即是重力。反之, 光的速度是每一秒300,000 公里,所以我們可以想像得到,黑洞的密度和重力有多大。由於黑洞是看不見的,所以科學家只可以觀察星體運行的速度來估計黑洞的存在。按照一般科學家的估 計,許多銀河系統,都有黑洞隱藏在它們的中心。以我們的Milky Way Galaxy 為例,那十億夥星的旋轉速度,不是因為有一個超大的黑洞隱藏在銀河中心,所有星星都應已飛散四方了。

以上便是我們的生命源由,既浪漫亦卑微。誰人是最尊貴?所有人或者沒有人可以說得上是最尊尚。眾生皆平等也。誰都是出於星塵,細微而普通,四處皆是。因 此,你是誰並不重要,而你的行為,卻能肯定你本身的價值。行為失當,作姦犯科等傷天害理的罪行,會令你成為魔鬼。信仰神靈者或無神論者,都逃避不了因果 報應這天然定律。再者,有如超新星的滅亡,不過只是另一生命或新星的開始吧了!何必苦苦追憶,悲痛欲絕。來自塵土,亦歸於塵土。生死循環不盡,何懼之有。只怕沒有好好地,有意義的活過這生。因此, 我們必須接受不可改變的事情,卻要分辨出可以達到的目標。讓我祝願各位,人皆智慧,能把以上的兩種相反的事情,明確地分辨出來。除了可以給我們帶來寶貴的知識外,天文學更能為人帶來無限珍貴的心得,以及深遠的啟示。愚見是,天文學的確是一門必修的學問,尤其是當權者,因為它能夠令他們過份膨脹的自我,抑制在一個可接受的水平。


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 47 ) - November 21, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 47 ) - Humour ( 幽默感 ) - Nov., 21, 2010

Humour is a light-hearted approach to things that are generally viewed by the majority as serious matters. Humour may be taken as a positive attitude in times of trial for the individual in question. It provides endless support for an individual's struggle against adversities. For example, I am a poor man but still I will say this : - " I am glad that I am so poor because my children will be spared of the risk of being kidnapped for a ransom. " This would be considered as being a humourous remark. Personally, I regard humour as a sign of self confidence as well as a remarkable ability to view a situation from a out of the ordinary angle or higher perspective. Very often ladies highlight humour as a desirable quality for a man especially partner in life. My wife agrees with this completely. However, it could sometimes be carried too far resulting in verbal or even practical jokes with a bad taste. Once this stage is reached humour becomes black humour which is far from a compliment for the perpetrator. Any measure taken to the extreme will be a demerit. In moderation is usually a sensible approach especially in dealing with human affair.

幽默是對一般人認為嚴肅的事情,以輕鬆的態度視之。幽默可被視為一種正面的態度,在遇到逆境時,可以加強奮鬥心, 可以為人帶來無限的支持力量。比如, 我是個貧窮的人,但我仍打趣地說:「 我喜歡自己貧窮,因為我的子女不怕會被人綁架,以索取贖金。」這可以說是一種幽默的言論。在我個人而言,幽默是自信心的表現,亦是種極度超卓的能力。這種 才能,令人可以用超出平常的角度,和更高層次來看事物。女士每每以幽默這質素,作為挑選伴侶的準則。我的太太會十分贊同這種說法。但是,如果將幽默過度,可以淪為尖酸刻薄的言語,甚至變成作弄他人的玩笑。一旦到達這種情況,幽默便成為所謂黑色幽默。這絕對不是一種標榜,而是貶意。任何一種過份的行為, 都會是歪行,不值得鼓勵。採取中庸之道,才是一種合情理的處事方法。


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 46 ) - November 19, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 46 ) - The Basis of Democracy ( 民主制度的根基 ) - Nov., 19, 2010

The most reliable basis of democracy is an unfaltering, ethical and compassionate intelligentsia. The ultimate weapon to fight for a better world is a righteous and empathetic mind in a duty bound citizen. All else is a waste of time and energy. Violence begets violence. That is the invariant law of cause and effect ( which I discussed early in my blog here :- ). Build ourselves such an invincible force and we can forget about wars, social injustice and even the much dreaded financial tsunami. How ? By means of a better and fairer education system ( for which I am indebted for life hence here I am ). But that is not so easy. Right you are, again ! Every tortuous and great journey starts with the first step as our great and eternal teacher Confucius had most profoundly observed. Don't start due to fear of obstacles and you will be nowhere. Am I just a talker ? You can bet your bottom dollar that I am anything other than that. If a preacher starts by personal example the gospel he or she preaches is half way to heaven already. To be more specific, I have made an intellectual journey through the universe of 13.7 billion light years across and back again using 5 years from the start of my retirement in 2005 ( please click on this link if you are interested : ). Why fight for democracy ? It is because as E.M. Forster the famous English author ( 1879-1970 ) had proclaimed : - " Two cheers for democracy ! " Why only two cheers and not three ? The answer is simple. Democracy is the second best political system and way of life in any civilized society. Which is the number one system then ? Unfortunately, it has not yet been discovered ! I suspect it will never be given human nature being what it is.

民主制度的最可靠根基,就是一個不退縮,有道德操守和充滿憐憫心的智識份子階層。為一 個更好的世界而作戰的終極武器,就是一個有正義感,慈悲為懷和具有責任感的公民。其他一切技倆都是白費功夫,費時失事的。暴力只會引起更多連續不斷, 連綿不 盡的暴力。這是恆久不變的歷史因果定律( 我曾經在這裡討論過 這問題 : )。 假若我們能成功地建立起這樣的一些不敗之師,我們便可以永遠忘記戰爭,社會中的不公義,甚至我們極度恐懼的金融海嘯了。那麼如何去付諸實行呢?愚見認為是要通過一 個更好和更公平的教育制度才成( 我也是這樣的一個教育制度下的受益者,我終生感激不盡,因此引致我做現在進行中的事 ) 。但你們會說這不是容易完成的工作呀!這說法絕對是正確的。每一 段痛苦和艱辛的旅程,都要從第一步開始。這是我們萬分敬佩的萬世師表,孔夫子的偉大觀察。因為害怕障礙和困難而卻步不前,我們便永遠停滯在原地不變了。我 是否只是一個空談者 ?我可以肯定地說,除了空談者以外,我什麼都可以做。一位傳道者,如想他人信服他傳播的福音,首先便是能以身作則。那樣,他所說的教便已成功了一半。說實 在一點,我曾經用了五年時間,從2005 年至今,作了一個知識上的魂遊太虛,對這個橫越13.7億光年的宇宙,昨了個普通的理論探討 ( 我的結論已在我的這本書描述, 請參現: )在下以此證明,我並不是個空談者。那麼為什麼要為達到一個真正民主制度而奮鬥呢?這都是因為有如聞名的英國作家 霍士特( E.M. Forster ) ( 1879-1970 ) 所說:「為民主作兩次歡呼吧!」那又為什麼只歡呼兩次而不是三次呢?這問題的答案十分簡單, 就是因為民主制度, 只是第二佳的政治制度, 以及在一個文明的社會中為第二佳的生活方式。那麼最佳的政治和社會制度又在那裡?答案是,正在尋找中。非常不幸地,基於人類的劣根性,我十分懷疑,最佳的制度,就算找到了,也是沒法實施的。


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 45 ) - November 18, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 45 ) - Teaching ( 教與導 ) - Nov., 18, 2010

Teaching is of course a very noble profession. In Chinese the word teaching has two elements in its meaning - instruct and guide. I like the latter element much more than the former simply because it is far more effective than the former. " To instruct " implies more of a one way traffic like from teacher to student or the learned to the unlearned. On the other hand, " to guide " is more personal and implies giving more weight to the feeling and perspective of the student. In short, " to guide " is a more human approach and in most cases more effective. The reason is easy to understand because the latter element keeps the student relaxed and hence he or she will be more receptive to information and, therefore, more conducive to intellectual reasoning. Treat people, anyone as a human being and everything falls in its right place.

教育當然是一行高尚的專業。在中文裡,to teach 包含教與導兩種元素。我喜歡後者多於前者,全因為後者比較前者有效多了。教暗示單向的交通,知識由老師傳授到學生,由有識之士給予無知者。在令一方面,導則 較近人情,以學生的感受和觀點為基礎。換言之,導是較人性化,因此亦比較有效。這是很容易理解的。學生精神鬆弛了,他們對認識的吸收,以及思考的運作也會 更有效率,自然事半功倍了。把每一個人都作為一個有血肉和感受的人看待,所有的事情都易辦了。


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 44 ) - November 17, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 44 ) - Cause & Effect ( 因果定律 ) - Nov., 16/11/10

The law of cause and effect is the corner stone of science, logic, our sanity as well as basis of most religious beliefs. It also appeals to our revered value of justice based on the triumph of good over evil. It is the law of hope and comfort. It's tenet is pretty simple. Nothing happens without a cause. But is it that simple when applied to human affairs ? Definitely not. Most people are wary of the unfathomable and profound mysteries in science. In fact, things are not always what they appear to be. Based on my humble experience from a personal intellectual journey through 250 or so popular science books starting with Professor Stephen Hawking's " A Brief History of Time " ( a pocket book of only 197 pages which I took 3 months to finish ) and ending with his most recent book - " The Grand Design " ( published on 16th October, 2010 of 187 pages which I took 3 days to finish ) over a period of 5 years I have found to my utmost surprise that scientific laws and theories are far simpler than human and everyday affairs such as economics and human relationships. Ask me about Einstein's Special Relativity ( basis of time and even space travel ) and the strange implications of Quantum Mechanics ( basis of our beloved computers ). I can explain their basic tenets and principles in a decently understandable manner ( which I did in my book - " The Universe - A Personal View " freely available on my website ). That is why Einstein had famously said that :- " That most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible. "

I also most presumptuously think that I have found or correctly speculated the reason for this apparent anomaly to my pleasant surprise and elation. It is our mind and consciousness that are the culprits for causing complications in human affairs. Stated more scientifically, natural and theoretical science deal with matters without a mind. Therefore, there is by and large only one to one relationships without any feed back loop to deal with. Kick a rock with a certain force and your pain will be proportional to the force applied. This is Newton's Third Law of Motion :- " Action and reaction are equal and opposite ." On the contrary, human affairs deal with subjects who all have a mind of their own. Each person reacts to external stimuli differently and worse still differently at different times depending on their mood and a given environment. There are multiple feed back loops that create a new situation after each round of interaction that can go on endlessly like the vicious circle phenomenon in macroeconomics. Take a simple everyday example. Say, you run into a lamp pole in a hurry. To correct your inadvertent mistake you simply step sideways and carry on. If you run into a person in a hurry you may not be able to rectify your " misbehavior " that easily. I am sure you have the painful experience of your victim moving to a same side to which you have chosen to divert in your desperate attempt to avoid collision. This unpleasant blocking game could go on for a few rounds before communication can ultimately be established and physical collision finally avoided. In more unfortunate cases, nasty confrontation could ensue ending with very unpleasant results.

What are all these mumble jumble leading to in terms of cause and effect ? Please bear with me a little longer and all will be revealed to you in good time. There are two important moral lessons to be learned here. Firstly, causes of natural phenomena which obey invariant laws can somehow be found. Many of these can unfortunately be traced to human misbehaviour such as global warming and deforestation. We can reduce the probability of their occurrence if we are to blame or predict and protect ourselves accordingly if we are not responsible. Green house gas emission leads to global warming. This is simple one to one cause and effect relationship. Second moral lesson, in dealing with human affairs take extra care when you initial an action. There could be multiple feed back reactions that could easily get out of control like cry wolf about a nonexistent fire in a crowded place leading to panic that could cost valuable lives. The same argument is equally applicable to not so proper love affairs. In summary, natural phenomena and human affairs are two different types of " truths " which I called objective and subjective truths respectively. The former has a definite and predictable response to stimulus while the latter responds unpredictably. Notwithstanding this general characteristic the law of cause and effect still holds true for both. Hence, natural justice will somehow be served ultimately if not immediately. Beware evil doers. Even if you do not believe in God or the spiritual. This is the invariant law of nature. The same warning is also applicable to all materialism advocates and supporters of akin political regimes. I am not talking about superstitious myths and mysteries. This is solid science of nature. It pays to heed my humble warning.

( Note : Those interested in Einstein's Special Relativity please click on the following link to see my explanation ( agreed to by the professors of astrophysics in Cambridge and Harvard ) to the younger citizen astronomers in the most successful online science research project GALAXY ZOO official forum. This project has also given rise to the term CITIZEN SCIENCE which is specifically singled out by the US National Science Council 2010 report as the new scientific research trend for the next decade :- )

因果定律, 是邏輯,科學和我們正常精神狀態的基石,更加是很多宗教的不異教條。這定律更加對我們產生吸引力,因為它和我們所尊崇的公義,以及好人會戰勝壞人,這種充 滿希望和安慰的信念符合。它的基本信念是簡單而直接的。這便是有果必有因。但用於人與人之間的事情,便不是那麼簡單了。大多數人都對神秘和莫測高深的科學理論,會感到迷失和 有戒心。其實,事情並不像表面那麼單純。在下曾經花了五年多的時間,看了多於二百五十多本科學叢書,從 Professor Stephen Hawking 的 A Brief History of Time ( 這只有197頁的小書,我卻需要用三個月的時間才讀完)開始,以至他最新的書 The Grand Design ( 在本年十月十六日才出版,有187頁的書,而我只用了三天便讀完了), 總共花了五年多的時間才完成私下的研究。以在下這 謙卑的經驗,我察覺到科學的定律和理論,竟然比人與人之間的事情,比方說經濟和人際關係,要來得簡單。假若你問我有關愛因斯坦的狹義相對論( 我們理解時間與空間,甚至使應用於太空探索的基礎 )或者量子力學的神秘暗藏玄機 ( 這是我們極度寵愛的數碼電腦的根基所在 ),我都能夠以單純易明的解釋,給各位來作一個簡易說明。而實際上,我已經在我的弊作,一本叫The Universe - A Personal View ( 翻譯作:我個人的宇宙觀)書內試圖作出了。所以,愛因斯坦曾經發表過以下聞名的講話:「 宇宙中最令人費解的事,實屬這宇宙是可以為人所理解的。」

我更加對以上令人費解的事,作了某些大膽的假設和推論。就是我們的思想和意識,便是罪魁禍首。這發現令我十分驚喜和雀躍。以科學化一點來說,自然界的事物 和現象,都是沒有自我和意識的。因此,大多數情況都是單一的回響,沒有複雜的互動元素。比如你以某一力度用腳去踢一塊石頭,你的痛楚必與你發出的腳力成正 比。這是牛頓動力學的第三定律。相反,人與人之間的交往,卻是關乎兩者或更多的有着自我和意識的個體,互相交流。每人對從外界來的刺激,有不同的反應。再 者, 不同的人更加會在不同的時間以及環境,作出不同的反應。這樣就會形成了複雜的互動回響。這互往的反應在理論上是可以無限的。就有如宏觀經濟中的惡性循環一 般。就拿一般日常的例子,如果你在匆忙中不慎走向一條燈柱,你只要踏步則邊避過便成。但是如果你不慎衝向一個人,那便麻煩得多了。我肯定地說,每一個人都 曾經試過這般的不快經驗。被你險些碰撞的人,向左或右避開,而那邊正是你試圖避開他的那一方。這麼一來,大家都尷尬地再次避往令一方,重滔覆轍。幾經辛苦才 找對了不相撞的那邊過路。如果情況更不幸,可能會導致衝突。

讀者會問,究竟以上的討論, 和因果定律有什麼關係呢?請耐心稍候一會,我便會完完本本地給你們答案。以上的討論有兩個值得引以為鑑的警惕。一是大自然的現象,是有着恆久不變和單一互 動,而沒有複雜的惡性循環式互動交替的情況。因此,事發的原因比較容易尋找。很不幸地,很多天災的起因,都可歸根於人為因素。比如地球暖化和森林消失等, 都可尋找原因而加以避免。第二個可用來引以為鑑的警告,就是需要十分小心處理人與人的交往。因為有如以上闡述,人有自己的意識和自我,會由互動產生十分複 雜的惡毒性循環,一發不可收拾的可能效果。比如在人群中惡作劇場,高呼沒發生的火警。這極度可能引起恐慌,以致互相踐踏,引致人命傷亡。同樣的道理,處理 人與人之間的感情,也是適用的。我的總結,是我們的世界裡,存在着自然界的簡單客觀真理,以及人與人之間較為複雜的主觀真理。雖然有這般分類,但這不會影 響因與果的定律,它仍然是有效的。否則我們便喪失了邏輯和正常精神狀態的操作。這也代表着自然公理的不會變易。善惡到頭終有報,只是遲或早的問題吧了!因 此,作姦犯科之類,應以此作為警惕才對。就算你們不相信鬼神,也難逃自然的因果定律。同一警告,也可應用於唯物主義者,以及類似的政治黨派人士。我作重新 警告,這定律不是迷信,而是不會變易的永恆自然界真理,不可挑戰的事實。切記!切記!

JKHC. ( 鄭冠合 )

註: 我對有關愛因斯坦的狹義相對論的解釋 :

Monday, November 15, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 43 ) - November 16, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 43 ) - The Problem with Money ( 錢的問題 ) - Nov., 16, 2010

People say money is no problem. Only no money is the problem. I say problems that can be solved by money are really no problem. The only problem is that we usually create the problems because of money in the first place. Is money the problem then or are we the real problem ? If you don't know the answer to this question then you really have a problem !

人們說錢不成問題,沒有錢才是問題。我說錢可以解決的問題不成問題,問題在於多數的問題,都是我們自己為了錢, 以至鋌而走險所造成的。那麼問題是出於錢,還是我們自己才是問題所在呢?如果你不懂得這問題的答案,那麼你的腦袋真正出了問題啦!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 42 ) - November 15, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 42 ) - Subjective and Objective ( 主觀與客觀 ) - Nov., 15, 2010

I studied science as I love to be logical and objective as if these qualities equated with intelligence and fairness. As I grew older I found that abiding by such standards rendered me less than human. There was a cold spell in my heart as though it were not functioning properly. So, I changed to studying art subjects. Literature and philosophy were my pets. With more subjective values coming into my life I felt more human and I even began to enjoy changes in my emotions whence most of my inspiration originates. I started to use my heart more than just my head and I love it even more. Come university I became more down to earth out of financial necessity and took the commercial subjects. That paid off handsomely but only in financial terms. Now that I am retired I revert to my old wilful ways of being subjective but in an objective way meaning more seasoned and flexible approach in my interpersonal relationships. In short, I am still stubborn but in an empathetic manner. Come to think of it. There is subjectivity in being objective and vice versa. After all, we always depend on our consciousness to make judgment calls based on our intellect which is again interacting with our feelings. Therefore, both elements must be present. We cannot have one without the other. Life is mostly shades of gray. Hence, there is really no absolute truth. Treat people with empathy and one will not be far from the truth of nature that is !

我曾經攻讀理科,這是因為我喜歡自己邏輯與客觀。我一向認為這些質素是等同智慧和公平。長大了卻感到純粹持這些態度做人,會流於不近人情。心中會存在着一 種冷漠,有如心臟操作不靈一般,因此我轉讀了文科。文藝和哲學,是我的寵兒。多了些主觀性價值的浸淫,令我更有人情味,而且也學會享受自己的情緒起伏,這 亦是我的靈感來源。我學會用心中感受而不單用腦袋去處理事情, 我更喜歡自己這般做人的態度。進入大學後,我變得實際了,所以選擇讀商科。這選擇的確令我得到很可觀的經濟回報, 不過只限於此而已。現在退休了一陣只,我又故態復萌了,再度重投主觀的懷抱, 但是在待人接物方面,多了點彈性和少許客觀的成份。換言之,我仍然是固執,但是略帶同情心罷了。回心細想, 我們用意識去作出判斷和抉擇,情感和理智都在互動地運作,所以主觀和客觀的元素, 兩者都必然存在,缺一不能成事。生命就是充滿着灰色地帶的,不要再說什麼是絕對真理了。以慈悲之心待人,這必定離大自然的真理不遠了。


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 41 ) - November 14, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 41 ) - Politics and Politicians ( 政治與政客 ) - Nov., 14, 2010

Politics is business of the people. Therefore, no one can afford to ignore it. On the other hand, politicians are necessary pains that we have to tolerate because they could be so destructive. This is at odds with what they are enjoying. Despite all these misfortunes we need them nevertheless. Politics is the only profession I know in which one is remunerated by money as well as the rare privilege of a chance to get into the history books in a significant way. That simply means immortality. Politicians heed this warning. Be grateful for this great privilege to serve and so you must act decently. Power to the people always !

政治是眾人之事,所以沒人能對它置之不理。在令一方面,政客卻是我們必須容忍的痛楚。這是因為他們擁有着極度破壞性的潛力。這情況與 他們享受的優待絕對不成正比。話雖如此,我們仍然需要他們來管治國家。政治這行專業,是我所知道的唯一有雙重報酬的工作。政客有薪金,亦有可以達到留名清 史的罕有良機。後者等同永垂不朽的最高榮譽。政客必須以此為鑑,以感恩之心服務老百姓,並且要慎重行事才對。權力永遠歸於人民!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Prose ( 散文 ) - Staring at the Stars ( 看星星 ) - Poetry & Prose ( 3 ) - Nov.,13, 2010

Prose ( 散文 ) - Staring at the Stars ( 看星星 ) - Poetry & Prose ( 3 ) - Nov.,13, 2010

Staring at the Stars ( 看星星 )

More stars than sand to be gazed upon they are really spectacular and cool.

In my life time they have given me endless comfort and showed me the eternal truth.

Start staring at the stars to learn your life story, too.

Start staring at them especially when you feel blue.

So, let us start what we must do from here and now until you know what to do.
那麼就讓我們開始做我們必須做的事, 直到我們學會怎樣做為止。

When you are born stare at the stars. Their mystical omnipresence will symbolize you.

When you are young stare at the stars. Their illusive twinkling will mesmerize you.
當你仍年輕的時候,請看看繁星,它們虛幻的閃爍, 令你切底地着了迷。

When you are lost stare at the stars. Their lasting brightness will guide you.
當你感到迷失和落魄的時候,請看看星空, 它們的永恆光芒會指引你的路途。

When you are successful stare at the stars. Their profound grandeur will humble you.

When you are angry stare at the stars. Their soothing tranquility will clam you.
當你忿怒時,也得看看繁星,它們有着令人心情舒緩的寧靜, 會使你悄悄地安靜下來。

When you are down stare at the stars. Their glamorous beauty will lift you.

When you are happy stare at the stars. Their constant wonders will excite you.
當你快樂時, 也應舉頭看星,它們有着經常性的奇妙, 會令你更加興奮。

When you are wavering stare at the stars. Their great steadfastness will inspire you.

When you are tired stare at the stars. Their endless energy will revitalize you.

When you are in love stare at the stars. Their unfathomable eternity will reassure you.
當你沐浴愛河時, 你可以舉頭看星, 它們無法量度的永恆存在,令你得到愛的保證。

When you are old stare at the stars. Their everlasting myths will provide dreams for you.

When you are dead stare at the stars, too, for they will all be around you !

For all the above reasons, I love astronomy dearly and would gladly introduce it to all of you.
由於以上諸因,我浩愛天文學,更十分樂意將它推薦給各位仁兄仁姐,予以分享, 奇景共賞。


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 40 ) - November 12, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( YTTY ) - ( 40 ) - Inspiration ( 靈感 ) - Nov., 12, 2010

Inspiration is a sudden flash of intellectual brilliance that enables one to see the world and oneself from a higher perspective. One cannot be sure whence it will come. Suffice it to say that maintaining a tranquil mindset will enhance the chances of its emergence. Needless to say, inspiration must be supported by knowledge and preferably wisdom to make it fruitful.



Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 39 ) - November 11, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 39 ) - The Matter of Age ( 有關年齡問題 ) - Nov. 11, 2010

I have always admired ladies who choose to be open about their age. It shows great self confidence and defiance of an accepted but nonsensical taboo. To me, age is entirely a matter of the heart. One can be aged at 20 or youthful at 60. Optimism and pessimism define young and old respectively.



Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 38 ) - November 10, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 38 ) - Love and Commitment ( 愛情與承諾 ) - Nov., 10, 2010

True love must entail commitment. However, there is a nasty catch here. Being fully committed also means being fully exposed to the risk of trauma from betrayal. To be totally committed and enjoy perfect love or to withhold commitment and be safe. It is , indeed, a very mind boggling personal call. Personally, I am a risk taker at heart. I totally agree with what Shakespeare said :- " It is better to have loved and lost, than not to have loved at all ! "

真愛必定包含承諾,但承諾卻蘊藏着一種可怕的危機。付出了絕對的承諾, 亦意味到可以受到絕對的傷害。應該以絕對承諾換取完美的愛情,還是獨善其身以保安全呢?這真是個令人費盡思量的個人抉擇。以我個人而言,在內心我是個風險承受者。我完全同意莎士比亞所說:「曾經愛過而失戀,比從沒有愛過更好!」


Monday, November 8, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 37 ) - November 9, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 37 ) - Temptation ( 誘惑 ) - Nov., 9, 2010

No one is immune to temptation. Therefore, the best way to combat temptation is to avoid putting oneself in a vulnerable position in the first place. This is especially relevant to gentlemen.



Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 36 ) - November 8, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 36 ) - Acquiring Wisdom ( 吸取智慧 ) - Nov., 8, 2010

Wisdom is acquired through numerous foolish fumbles. Only geniuses are born with it. Most of us are not that well endowed. Therefore, be tolerant of your own mistakes as well as those of others.

智慧是要經過無數愚蠢的失誤,才會續漸形成的。只有天才才擁有與生俱來的智慧。因此, 對自己的和別人的失誤都應給予忍耐才對。


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 35 ) - November 7, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 35 ) - My Fervour for Life ( 我對生命的熱情 ) - Nov., 7, 2010

My fervour for life is born of the realization that there are too many meaningful things to do but too little time to get them all done.

我對生命的熱情, 是建基於我了解到有太多有意義的事情要做, 但卻沒有足夠的時間去把它們全部完成。


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 34 ) - November 3, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 34 ) - Humility ( 謙遜 ) - Nov., 3, 2010

Humility is a virtue so long as it does not adversely affect one's self confidence. It is generally accepted that one always has much to learn from others. Not that one is inferior to others. Unfortunately, many oriental cultures tend to over indulge in humility. So much so that their young usually tend to be less outspoken and thus disadvantaged in their learning process.

如果謙遜的態度不深至影響自信,這是一種美德。其實正面的謙卑,是指接納自己有很多向別人學習的地方, 而不是比他人遜色。不幸地,許多東方的文化,都過於標榜謙卑,引至年輕人不敢發問,因而影響了學習過程。此乃極端不幸也。


Monday, November 1, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 33 ) - November 2, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 33 ) - Knowledge Is Not Wisdom ( 學識與智慧 ) - Nov., 2 , 2010

Don't equate knowledge with wisdom. The former is useful information while the latter is knowing when and how to apply the former in an appropriate manner. Skillful and sophisticated mental process must be applied.



Happy Birthday to My Wife - Entry # 2 of Nov, 1, 2010

A Birthday ( so-called 打油詩 ) Poem to My Wife ( 獻給太太的生日賀詩 ) - Poetry & Prose ( 2 ) - Entry # 2 of Nov., 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, Darling !

Best wishes and blessings on your happy day

Your happiness is here to stay

Enjoy good health and have no fear

Cheers ! And many happy returns , dear .