Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 32 ) - Ethical Education ( 德育 ) - Entry # 1 of Nov., 1, 2010
In my humble opinion, the foremost goal in education is to impart the virtue of empathy on the young. People will do good if they are empathetic with others' feeling even if the former are not learned. On the other hand, a learned person devoid of empathy is the most dangerous animal that walks the earth.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Poem - A Friendly Morale Booster - Entry # 2 of Oct., 31, 2010
Poem on mutual support for friends - A Friendly Morale Booster - Poetry & Prose ( 1 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 31, 2010
I composed this so-called poem while in transit flight from Hong Kong last week. You are cordially invited to suggest modifications as you see fit. 敬請指正
by Joseph K. H. Cheng ( 鄭冠合 )
I composed this so-called poem while in transit flight from Hong Kong last week. You are cordially invited to suggest modifications as you see fit. 敬請指正
by Joseph K. H. Cheng ( 鄭冠合 )
Friendly Morale Booster
Fear ye not the darkest night
May true love be thy guiding light
Untimely sleet may burden thy plight
Somehow thou shall see a morning bright
Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 31 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 31, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 31 ) - The True Love Story ( 真正的愛情故事 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 31, 2010.
Love is anything other than " not having to say you're sorry " as the movie ( made in 1970 based on Erich Segal 's book ) said. This is called taking for granted. Love is having to say your are sorry and your partner being able to forgive and forget.
Love is anything other than " not having to say you're sorry " as the movie ( made in 1970 based on Erich Segal 's book ) said. This is called taking for granted. Love is having to say your are sorry and your partner being able to forgive and forget.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 30 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 13, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 30 ) - EXTREMISM ( 偏激主義 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 13, 2010.
There are few things more self destructive than extremism. If one embraces it one will be condemned to a world view like a frog at the bottom of a well to the exclusion of all the beauty out there. Its evil legacy can range from a solitary life to mass murder. Shun extremism and be perceptive and objective !
There are few things more self destructive than extremism. If one embraces it one will be condemned to a world view like a frog at the bottom of a well to the exclusion of all the beauty out there. Its evil legacy can range from a solitary life to mass murder. Shun extremism and be perceptive and objective !
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 29 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 13, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 29 ) - SPECIAL RELATIVITY IN A NUTSHELL (狹義相對論精粹 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 13, 2010.
Relativity goes much deeper than the notion that everything is relative. Its tenet rests on the constant speed of light which conveys to us the sense of time. Given that space-time is a continuum tied by the constant speed of light any faster movement through space must be compensated by the slowing down of time to keep the constant. For a faster traveller time slows down more. This is the awesome discovery by Einstein . Now, you know why life could really be an illusion !
( Note : For those who want to understand more about Einstein's Special Relativity please see this link to my discussion on the official GALAXY ZOO forum :- )
Relativity goes much deeper than the notion that everything is relative. Its tenet rests on the constant speed of light which conveys to us the sense of time. Given that space-time is a continuum tied by the constant speed of light any faster movement through space must be compensated by the slowing down of time to keep the constant. For a faster traveller time slows down more. This is the awesome discovery by Einstein . Now, you know why life could really be an illusion !
( Note : For those who want to understand more about Einstein's Special Relativity please see this link to my discussion on the official GALAXY ZOO forum :- )
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 28 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 12, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 28 ) - LABEL ( 標簽 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 12, 2010.
Labels are generally applied to identify products for better handling. Human beings are not products. So why do we sometimes label people through prejudice ? I think the only justifiable labeling of people is good and bad depending on time and place but not good or bad , period. In short, there is no hard and fast rule hence no labeling, please!
Labels are generally applied to identify products for better handling. Human beings are not products. So why do we sometimes label people through prejudice ? I think the only justifiable labeling of people is good and bad depending on time and place but not good or bad , period. In short, there is no hard and fast rule hence no labeling, please!
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 27 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 12, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 27 ) - DOUBLE STANDARD (雙重標準 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 12, 2010.
Double standard is one of the greatest of all evils for it makes true justice and equality impossible. Get rid of it and you will have a real social revolution. Unfortunately, this means you must have a self revolution first . Which is harder ? It depends on your point of view.
Double standard is one of the greatest of all evils for it makes true justice and equality impossible. Get rid of it and you will have a real social revolution. Unfortunately, this means you must have a self revolution first . Which is harder ? It depends on your point of view.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 26 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 11, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 26 ) - ONLY CHOICE ( 唯一的選擇 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 11, 2010.
One must either study hard while young or do hard work when old. That is the only choice. I know which to choose if I were you. In fact, I did, too !
人必須在年輕時努力讀書,或者到老時辛苦地工作, 這是必經選擇。如果我是你,我知道如何去決定。其實我早已選對了!
One must either study hard while young or do hard work when old. That is the only choice. I know which to choose if I were you. In fact, I did, too !
人必須在年輕時努力讀書,或者到老時辛苦地工作, 這是必經選擇。如果我是你,我知道如何去決定。其實我早已選對了!
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 25 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct. 11, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 25 ) - KNOW YOUR WEAKNESS ( 認識短處 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 11, 2010.
It is important to know one's strength but it is even more important to realize one's weakness. For your strength may possibly make you successful but your weakness will certainly spell your downfall.
It is important to know one's strength but it is even more important to realize one's weakness. For your strength may possibly make you successful but your weakness will certainly spell your downfall.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 24 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 10, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 24 ) - MEASUREMENT OF HAPPINESS ( 幸福的衡量 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 10, 2010.
Happiness is not measured by how many things one has. It is measured by how many things one doesn't need to have.
Happiness is not measured by how many things one has. It is measured by how many things one doesn't need to have.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 23 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 10, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 23 ) - MY GREED ( 貪婪的我 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 10, 2010.
People generally look for fame and fortune. I am greedier than most. I look for things that will really last such as purpose in life regardless of whether or not I can find it.
People generally look for fame and fortune. I am greedier than most. I look for things that will really last such as purpose in life regardless of whether or not I can find it.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 22 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 9, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 22 ) - MAD, MAD WORLD ( 瘋瘋狂狂的世界 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct. 9, 2010.
If everyone in the world is mad then the world will be rid of madness for there will be no one to realize it. Don't say I'm mad because the world at present is close to that critical point.
If everyone in the world is mad then the world will be rid of madness for there will be no one to realize it. Don't say I'm mad because the world at present is close to that critical point.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 21 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 9, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 21 ) - THE NEUTRALIST ( 中立的人 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 9, 2010.
I am an anti-nobody in both the active and passive voices. I only believe in the potentials of the individual for everything beyond that is really out of our reach.
I am an anti-nobody in both the active and passive voices. I only believe in the potentials of the individual for everything beyond that is really out of our reach.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 20 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 8, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 20 ) - SUPREME SACRIFICE ( 至上的犧牲 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 8, 2010.
The supreme sacrifice is not death but love. For death takes but a fleeting moment while love takes a life time !
至上的犧牲,不是死,是愛。因為死是瞬間的事, 愛卻是一生一世的。
The supreme sacrifice is not death but love. For death takes but a fleeting moment while love takes a life time !
至上的犧牲,不是死,是愛。因為死是瞬間的事, 愛卻是一生一世的。
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 19 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 8, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 19 ) - MUSIC ( 音樂 ) Entry # 1 of Oct., 8, 2010.
Music is our mental nourishment. Without music we would probably all go mad or worse still become unfeeling.
音樂是我們的精神食糧,沒有音樂,我們可能全都會發瘋了, 或許更不幸地變成麻木不仁。
Music is our mental nourishment. Without music we would probably all go mad or worse still become unfeeling.
音樂是我們的精神食糧,沒有音樂,我們可能全都會發瘋了, 或許更不幸地變成麻木不仁。
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 18 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 7, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 18 ) - COMMUNISM ( 共產主義 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct.,7 , 2010.
" To each according to his needs and from each according to his ability ! " What a noble slogan but empty talk this is ! Unfortunately, we can only practice it at home unless everyone is a saint.
" 各盡所能,各取所需! " 這麼高尚的口號但美麗的空談! 但可惜這只可以在每人家中實施,除非社會中每一個人都是聖者。
" To each according to his needs and from each according to his ability ! " What a noble slogan but empty talk this is ! Unfortunately, we can only practice it at home unless everyone is a saint.
" 各盡所能,各取所需! " 這麼高尚的口號但美麗的空談! 但可惜這只可以在每人家中實施,除非社會中每一個人都是聖者。
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 17 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 7, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 17 ) - LOVE ( 2 ) ( 愛 ) ( 二 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 7, 2010.
Love is living. Love is mutual giving. But most important of all love is unconditionally sacrificing !
Love is living. Love is mutual giving. But most important of all love is unconditionally sacrificing !
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 16 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 6, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 16 ) - A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE ( 觀點與角度 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 6, 2010.
What one calls wisdom may for another be wild wits. It's all a matter of perspective.
What one calls wisdom may for another be wild wits. It's all a matter of perspective.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 15 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 6, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 15 ) - QUANTUM SECRET ( 量子物理學精粹 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 6, 2010.
From chances come changes but choices also create chances - conclusion - choose your chances to create your chosen changes. It is your choices that control your chances and hence your future !
From chances come changes but choices also create chances - conclusion - choose your chances to create your chosen changes. It is your choices that control your chances and hence your future !
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 14 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 5, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 14 ) - LOVE ( 1 ) ( 愛 ) ( 一 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 5, 2010.
Love is only a treasure when you have someone to share.
Love is only a treasure when you have someone to share.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 13 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 5, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 13 ) - DARK HONESTY ( 誠實的背面 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct. 5, 2010.
A sarcastic says : - " Honesty is but a pawn for lying ! " Why should we be honest then ? It is because you cannot have it the other way round.
諷刺者挖苦地說 :誠實不外乎是說謊話的本錢。那麼為何要誠實呢?這是因為你不能將兩者倒轉過來。
A sarcastic says : - " Honesty is but a pawn for lying ! " Why should we be honest then ? It is because you cannot have it the other way round.
諷刺者挖苦地說 :誠實不外乎是說謊話的本錢。那麼為何要誠實呢?這是因為你不能將兩者倒轉過來。
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 12 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 4, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 12 ) - SWEET MEMORIES ( 甜美回憶 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 4, 2010.
Sweet memories are our most valuable and irreplaceable treasures when we grow old. Therefore, create lots of them while you are still young.
Sweet memories are our most valuable and irreplaceable treasures when we grow old. Therefore, create lots of them while you are still young.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 11 ) - Entry #1 of Oct. 4, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 11 ) - TRUE FRIENDS ( 真朋友 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 4, 2010.
True friends will never lie to you but they do cry with you. Really true friends may even die for you. Alas ! That only a few can do.
True friends will never lie to you but they do cry with you. Really true friends may even die for you. Alas ! That only a few can do.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 10 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 3, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 10 ) - THINK ( 思考 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 3, 2010.
Brethrens use your brains. Don't let your talents go down the drain.
Brethrens use your brains. Don't let your talents go down the drain.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 9 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 3, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 9 ) - REVOLUTION ( 革命 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 3 , 2010.
Revolution must start from oneself. Without eradicating the dark side of human nature revolution is only a vehicle for power mongers. Let's start our self revolution now !
Revolution must start from oneself. Without eradicating the dark side of human nature revolution is only a vehicle for power mongers. Let's start our self revolution now !
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 8 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 2, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 8 ) - DIGNITY ( 尊嚴 ) - Entry # 2 of Oct., 2, 2010.
Dignity is something that cannot be lost unless it is given away voluntarily.
Dignity is something that cannot be lost unless it is given away voluntarily.
Thoughts to you from yours truly ( 7 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 2, 2010
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly ( TYYT ) - ( 7 ) - TEACH Versus EDUCATE ( 教與育 ) - Entry # 1 of Oct., 2, 2010.
A mediocre teacher imparts knowledge while an excellent educator inspires.
A mediocre teacher imparts knowledge while an excellent educator inspires.
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