• | On the day before 11 states participate in Super Tuesday, where are the candidates choosing to make their final appeals? On the Democratic side, both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders will be in Massachusetts, where 116 delegates are at stake and where polls show Mrs. Clinton with a slight edge. Mr. Sanders will also be in Minnesota, 93 delegates, and Mrs. Clinton will be in Virginia, 110. |
• | Mr. Rubio will appear in several of the states, including Georgia, 76 delegates; Tennessee, 58; Arkansas, 40; and Oklahoma, 43. Mr. Trump and Ben Carsonwill be in Virginia, 49. Gov. John R. Kasich of Ohio will be in Massachusetts, 42 delegates, and Vermont, 16. Mr. Cruz will be in Minnesota, 38, and Texas, his home state and, with its 155 Republican delegates, the contest on which he is staking his strategy. |