Posted: 03 Jul 2017 03:00 AM PDT
For many, modern-day work life means 24/7 connectivity, a constant barrage of emails and meetings, and the feeling you’re drowning in information. Luckily, there are numerous apps out on the market that can help you reclaim your sanity and help you be more productive. Below, 10 CEOs share their favorite apps to manage their to do lists, make sure they get their workout in, meditate, and of course, achieve inbox zero.
For To Do Lists
Workflowy“I block off two ‘open door’ blocks every day so my team can come in and strategize about our business. Workflowy is my go-to, and I can keep track of the specific things I want to cover with each person. Other note-taking apps are overcomplicated and have unnecessary in-app purchases and upgrades. With Workflowy, I can make whatever list I want – long or short — and it’s organizing my brain seamlessly across all my devices.” — Scott Sanborn, CEO LendingClub
“My most important app to organize my daily life is Trello. I have tried every kind of to-do list app and finally went back to just using a book that I would constantly carry around. Then I found Trello. It’s nothing more than a typical post-it wall in an app format. So it requires a bit of a set-up time. I organized mine along the days of the week, I have a “to do this week” list, a “to do next week” list and so forth. Since I have Trello I never forget deadlines anymore and I have less weight to carry around.” — Lea von Bidder, CEO Ava
For Email Management
Boomerang“My all-time favorite for staying on top of correspondence is Boomerang. I don’t know where I would be with following up, closing deals and making sure our craziest ice cream dreams happen without it. With Boomerang, I feel like I will never miss anything: I can mark it to send me reminders if responses I’m waiting for don’t happen, I can schedule follow-ups in advance, and I can ping emails that are not urgent to come back to my inbox whenever desired. It’s also good to use for east coast correspondence where I want an email to be received at a more strategic time if I’m getting to it late in the day Pacific time.” — Natasha Case CEO Coolhaus Ice Cream
For Meetings Management
Go to Meeting“As a CEO of a growing fintech company operating with multiple partners around the world, the app that transformed my day and productivity is GoToMeeting. It makes it easy to set up and conduct conference calls with global participants instantly over wifi or data, which is critical when trying to get teams and partners in different locations to meet at short notice. The ability to communicate across borders at short notice has also saved us significant costs by reducing the need for travel.” —Edwin Hagan-Emmin, CEO Aztec Exchange.
For Goal Tracking:
Productive“The app I recommend is, fittingly enough, called Productive. It has a nice, simple user interface, and is elegantly designed. I can build out custom goals that are specific to my life, or I can choose from some preselects. One of the best things about Productive is that it allows me to mix personal and professional goals, and as any busy person knows, the two wind up overlapping quite a bit.” — Jeremy Goldman, CEO Firebrand Group
For Mindfulness
Headspace“I use the Headspace app once or twice a day to help me operate at my best. Yoga and meditation create important moments to regroup even when working against the clock. Meditation yields perspective, humor, and focuses the mind so you can not only save time – but use the time well.” —Marcela Sapone, CEO Hello Alfred
Simply Noise
“Simply Noise is a white, pink, and brown noise app that I plug into whenever I’m traveling, or working in a busy cafĂ© on the road, or sleeping somewhere that’s noisy in an unfamiliar way. The wash of steady noise blocks out all ambient sounds and creates a continuity of mental soundscapes so that wherever I am, I feel like I’m at home in my head so that I can get work done.” — Sam Bodkin, CEO Groupmuse
For Exercise
SworkitSworekit is indispensable in helping me stay on top of my game while keeping tension levels down. As an entrepreneur, busy mom, and cancer survivor, incorporating exercise into my daily routine, eating unprocessed foods and drinking plenty of water keeps me energized and healthy. When my busy schedule does not allow for time at the gym, or even to think about it, Sworkit is my coach. It not only provides exercise ideas and instructions, it sends helpful reminders throughout the day to do stretching exercises at my desk or a round of tension relieving breathing techniques en route to my next appointment. Having exercise plans at my fingertips leaves little room for excuses to not workout. That alone helps me stay calm and focused.” — Dale Noelle, CEO TRUE Model Management
For Media
Flipboard“With all the moving pieces in my business and personal life, I look for apps that simplify my day. Flipboard curates news based on my interests and delivers it in real-time. It saves a lot of time that I would have spent combing through the news and ensures I don’t miss crucial articles. But more importantly, it delivers what I need, when I need it. It’s one of the most efficient ways to read the news that matters most to you.” — Bob D’Loren, CEO Xcel Brands
“I love to listen to books on the go, so Audible is great for helping me process information during my commute. I find that listening to books helps me become a better leader. I’ve been listening to Tribe by Sebastian Junger most recently, which has been incredibly eye-opening.” — Chris O’Neill, CEO Evernote