Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 50 ) - Strangers ( 陌生人 ) - Nov., 25, 2010
Strangers are in fact friends we have not yet met. There is a Chinese saying that goes like this : - " Within the four seas everyone is a brother ( or sister ) to one another ." Of course, this ancient saying must be modified to include the ladies. That is why I have taken the liberty to include the word sister in parenthesis. Given the fact that all living things have originated from stardust there is no reason why we cannot all be friends. One is always able to find differences if one's mind is set on looking out for them. Once I have heard a friend jokingly say that one can never really repay a financial debt because the money used for repayment is not the same dollar notes that were lent in the first place. On the other hand, another generous friend of mind has said that when a friend forgets to repay him his debt he would consider that the debt no longer counts because it exists no more in his borrower friend's mind. Of course, these are two examples at the extreme ends of the " difference / no difference " scale. Going back to natural science there is a very strange phenomenon at the subatomic level ( i.e. quantum mechanics ). Elementary particles have the mysterious ability to have instant communication with each other across unlimited space and time once the pair have been involved in an interaction originally. Perhaps, this is the strongest cue yet of the true nature of all things. That they are actually one when they were created in nature. So, why look for differences ? Above all, never treat strangers with undue suspicion or apathy.
陌生人其實是我們未認識的朋友。中國古語有言:「 四海之內皆兄弟( 姐妹 )也。」在這男女相等的時代,當然要把句子修改一下,所以我在括弧內加上姐妹二字。由於一切生物都是來自星塵,所以我們沒有理由不成為朋友。如果我們存心 要尋找差異,我們必定會尋找得到的。比如,我有一位朋友,他說錢銀債務,是永遠不能真正還得清楚的。為因還錢時的鈔票,並不是借貸時那些鈔票了。這真是雞 蛋裡挑骨頭。相反,另一為朋友卻說,假若他人忘記還錢給他,他會當債務不再存在。因為在他的借錢朋友心中,已等於沒有債務存在了。當然這是兩個極端的例子, 不過在大自然中,亦會給我們一點啟發。在原子以內的世界,亦即是量子物理學中,每一對曾經互相接觸過的粒子,都有離奇的超越時空的即時感應能力。可能這 是大自然給我們最大的暗示。即是說,所有宇宙中的萬物,都是同出一轍的,又何必分彼此呢! 最重要的是,以後不要以小人之心,和冷漠的態度對待陌生人了。
Thursday, November 25, 2010
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