Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 52 ) - November 29, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 52 ) - Gratitude ( 感恩 ) - Nov., 29, 2010

Gratitude is the corner stone of happiness as an ungrateful person will never be satisfied with what he or she already possesses. Being ungrateful will lead to an insatiable desire to covet everything one does not have. It will easily turn into greed. Because there are always more good things that one doesn't have than those that one has ( by definition good things must be scarce otherwise they would become average things if they can be found anywhere at any time ) the logical inference of this scenario is very straight forward. Ungrateful people will keep asking for more and this unreasonable expectation is the cause of endless unhappiness for themselves and for all those around them. On the contrary, if you are content with what you have any slight increase in your possession will be a cause for celebration and hence holding such a positive attitude will actually increase your potential for happiness.

感恩是幸福的基石,因為一個不識感恩的人,是永遠不會滿足於自己所擁有的一切。不識感恩,會使人孕育出一種無盡的慾望,去渴求自己未得到的東西。這也是貪 婪的開始。道理十分簡單,因為每一個人所擁有的美好東西,一定比其所擁有的不好東西為少的 ( 物以罕為貴,好的一定比壞的為少,因為這是好的定義 )。由此推理,會得到簡單的邏輯結論。就是不感恩的人,必然貪得無厭,而因此令到自己和身邊的人,感到無盡的苦惱。相反,如果你對現在所擁有的一切,感到 滿足,那麼你得到少許收穫,便會感到雀躍不已。因此,持這種正面態度的人,無形中便增加了自己會得到幸福和快樂的機會了。