Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 78 ) - June 27, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 78 ) - Policing the Politicians - June 27, 2011

Politicians are the most cunning of all professions. They make their living by double talks and doing lip service to society. They also bend with the wind or the popular opinion regardless of whether or not it is right or wrong morally to stay in power. The most tragic thing is that we still need them to run our government despite all their shortcomings. To reduce the impact of their mischief which could be both real and potential the smart citizen must be on guard against their political tricks. In short, politicians need policing by the public.

For example, most candidates in elections will by and large promise tax reductions and more financial benefits to voters. What sounds too good to be true is usually just what it is - too good to be true ! Even if their election promises actually materialize the extra funding needed for the extra benefits will come from other hidden taxes or costs to society usually from the underprivileged because of their lack of bargaining power. In some cases, many politicians simply go back on their words and blame it on unforeseen circumstances which are, in fact, foreseeable. If they are in luck and meet their budgetary targets they will expect everyone to worship them as saviors of society. While ordinary citizens are expected to do a good job to earn their wages politicians expect both fame and fortune for fufilling their required duties. In countries under autocratic regimes the ruling dictatorship will demand total submission from the citizens as a price for the dictator's service or disservice to the country. In time, autocrats will treat the country as their private properties to be inherited by their children ultimately forming an evil dynasty.

Are we too harsh on politicians then ? In my humble opinion, we are absolutely not being unreasonable in treating them like potential criminals when some of them actually turn out to be such elements. Furthermore, politics is the only profession I can think of which bestow the followers with power, good pay as well as a chance to attain immortality in getting their names in history if they do their jobs properly as they should. Hence, I would say categorically that it is justified to police politicians as I have suggested and that no praise need be showered on them when they complete their official assignments. This is not a lopsided treatment because politicians are given the extra chance which other professionals do not have which is the chance to gain immortality in history. Moreover, it is a rare honour and privilege to serve your fellow citizens and there are plenty of capable people to do it besides the incumbent government.

In order to police politicians effectively, every citizen must use his or her vote wisely by getting oneself acquainted with the basic knowledge of how a good government should work and becoming basically well informed on current social and political issues through open debate and dialogue with other citizens. This is not only a citizen's right but also a sacred duty to do so in order to put politicians in their proper place.


Monday, June 20, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 77 ) - June 21, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 77 ) - Put the Pudding in Perspective ( 把布丁放在正確位置 ) - June 21, 2011

Putting things in their proper perspective is most important. It can give one a proper sense of balance and proportion. It also implies that one is well acquainted with what is happening in one's environment. Most important of all, it means that we know our place and purpose in the grand design of the universe. This is the necessary condition leading to a meaningful life ( meaningful to oneself that is ). Ultimately, this path will give one peace of mind which everyone should have when it is time to go.

Notwithstanding the unfathomable tone the above proposition implies it has, in fact, a very down to earth and everyday application. Furthermore, it can be easy to follow. Being in perspective boils down to following basic principles and generally accepted human values as set out in my previous blog entry ( TYYT - ( 76 ) - Going Back to Basics - ). If you are a father do as a father should do. Take proper care of your family and keep them out of harm's way. If you are a mother use your naturally endowed quality of motherly love and tenderness to bring happiness to your family. If you are a growing child put your studies first with a view to learning to become a useful citizen and behave yourself within reasonable limits. What is the common thread running through all these suggestions ? It is the sense of responsibility relating to your position in this world. Being a responsible person inevitably requires one to be unselfish and be willing to make reasonable sacrifices to do what one should do. That is how the whole human race moves forward to a brighter future. It is the preservation of the common good based on reasonable sacrifices made by the responsible individual. When we fight for our rights it serves the cause of natural justice to reflect on our obligations as well - the obligation to ourselves ( which is to lead a meaningful and happy life subject to the laws of nature as well as all just human laws ), the obligation to society ( which is set out in Rousseau's " Social Contract " based on people's power and sovereignty in a summary form ) and our obligation to nature and our environment ( which is to keep it in a reasonably healthy state for the good of our future generations ).

Seemingly high sounding concepts are not necessarily complicated if we go back to the basics upon which they are built. This again takes us right back to the theme of this blog which is putting the pudding in perspective by looking at things from a wider and more balanced point of view. Hopefully, adopting this fair and balanced attitude will bring happiness to this world and in turn to ourselves.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 76 ) - June 14, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 76 ) - Going Back to Basics - June 14, 2011

In this complicated world of money and politics it is so easy to become confused. For those who are still human enough to ask what is right and what is wrong some simple guidelines are badly needed. As the golden rule is that there is no golden rule the nearest golden rule of thumb I highly recommend to you is " going back to basics ". Every time we are confronted with a controversial issue the popular tendency seems to be that we always rely on the so-called expert advice. Since we all agree that there is no golden rule as there is no magic wand whom should we trust as the experts ?

In my humble opinion, the short and relevant answer to this difficult question is trust yourself by going back to basics. It is not as simple as it sounds because this solution begs another valid question of what are the most important and universal basics that we can rely upon to make up our own mind ? Well, a few outstanding candidates readily come to my mind. I think they are : compassion, equity, justice, truth and consistency between words and deed. These basics are not listed in any particular order of importance. Each one is applicable to different circumstances with different weight.

To be more specific, I always apply the above basic considerations in my effort to assess the trust worthiness of any statement made by other people especially politicians. When confronted with a controversial issue I highly recommend applying the above basics to avoid being taken for a ride by statements made on that particular issue by all parties concerned to win you over to their way of thinking. In other words, we should always consider whether a statement is fair and equitable ( not one sided ) ; whether it is compassionate in taking into the situation and particular circumstances of all relevant parties ( not just based on a single view point ) ; whether it is borne out by known facts ( not ignoring vital facts or not telling the whole truth ) ; whether it is justified under the principle of natural justice ( not violating basic human rights or hurts the environment ) and last but not least, whether the deeds of the person making the statement are consistent with his or her words ( not saying one thing but doing another ). Having set out the basic considerations I cannot overemphasize too strongly the need to find out all the relevant facts about the issue at hand and to which a particular statement under consideration is related ( not to be ignorant of the relevant facts ). Only by so doing can we be smart thinkers.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Poem - National Sorrow - Poetry & Prose - ( 10 ) - June 4, 2011

Poem ( 詞 ) - Poetry & Prose - ( 10 ) - National Sorrow - ( 國殤之六四有感 ) - June 4, 2011

Since the Tiananmen Massacre a long time has passed.

The city walls are still the same and so is the sorrow.

Jasmine Revolution has arisen but is not quite successful.

Why does heaven not show pity on lost souls and punish the culprits ?

Turning one's back on history is a crime.

Heaven is angry and people go on suffering.

Autocratic and corrupted state is just like an evil thief.

Heaven forbids such evil to exist and so do the tormented people.

No one can escape justice. It is all embracing.

Crime and evil are of one's own choosing.

Judgment day will surely come and it is now at hand.

The evil system ignores justice and human rights and so it must be condemned.

Hopefully, there will be sunny sky when the rain is gone and the country will revert to peace once again.

JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )