I don't blame you if you are totally lost and confused in this chaotic world. All the world's troubles seem to have started at the 911 tragedy in 2001 in Manhattan, New York City. In fact, the chaos started long ago at different times for different people when we fail to find our goal in life and thus losing our orientation.
假若你已經被這個紊亂的世界,弄得迷惘和失落了,我絕不會責備你。這世界上所有的麻煩,都像是從2001年美國紐約曼哈頓的911慘劇開始的。其實,對每 一個人來說,煩惱是在不同的時間開始的。但都擁有一個共通點,就是這開始都是始源於沒法尋找到自己的人生目標那一刻。這樣一來,我們便迷失了方向。
When mariners embark on a seafaring trip the first thing they do is to bring out their sea charts and plot their course. Obviously, you cannot chart your course without a destination. So why is it that many people do not have their own goal in life when they navigate this most important and treacherous journey of all. Certainly, we will end up lost in life if we do not have a clear goal or destination. This is a great pity because we have only a single attempt in leading a meaningful life. So, why not make the best of it.
當航海者要開始一段旅程時,他們第一件要做的事,就是拿出他們的航海圖, 然後計劃出一條航線來。假若你沒有一個目的地,你又怎樣可以畫出一條航線呢。既然是這樣,為什麼有些人卻沒有人生目標,又如何可以安全和完滿地,航行這段 最重要又最崎嶇的人生路程呢。沒有人生目標的後果,必定是迷途與失落了。這是一件十分可惜的事情,因為我們只有一個機會,去活一個有意義的人生,錯過了良 機,無法可再度挽回。那麼我們為何不好好地去珍惜和把握,這個可一而不可再的機會。
The sixty-four dollar question is, of course, how to find our goal in life ? Well, it is a highly personal quest. To learn about reality which consists of the physical world, our own mental world and the interactive world with other people we call society seems to be a good start. Once you are fairly well informed about reality then you must find your proper place in it with respect to your own talents. Based on your talents and abilities you will be able to set a clear goal in life that will make a better world for tomorrow both for yourself and others. A good start is half way to success. Persevere in the pursuit of your goal with a dedicated mind and a compassionate heart as all living things are born out of the same humble beginning as star dust ( see my blog post here :- http://jkhcforum.blogspot.com/2010/11/thoughts-to-you-from-yours-truly-48.html ).
話得說回來,重要問題是如何尋找自己的人生目標呢?這是個極度個人的問題。但似乎一個好的開始, 是去了解這個現實世界。現實包含了三個層面,就是實際的物質世界,我們的內心思想世界,以及與別人交往的社會。當你對現實有了相當的認識後,你必須根據你 的天份,尋找到你的正確位置。然後你才可以開始尋找,一個會令世界更美好,而又可利己利人, 相得益彰的人生目標,這便是個好開始。一個好開始便是成功的一半了。堅持你的原則,努力不懈地向着目標,勇往直前。更加要以憐憫之心對待他人,因為眾生皆 由星塵而來 ( 請參考我的BLOG 部落格 http://jkhcforum.blogspot.com/2010/11/thoughts-to-you-from-yours-truly-48.html )。
When you are down be patient and increase your own value by learning more skill and knowledge. When you are successful be humble and keep working hard for your goal. Most important of all, be human and keep a balanced perspective to avoid falling victim to extremism both behaviorally and verbally. No man or woman is an island. Therefore, we must not be ashamed to talk to other people about our troubles and ask for help. Having done all of the above you will never be too far from leading a meaningful life. This is how success in life should be measured not by comparison with others but by gauging against your own set goals as everyone is different in background. To do the former is just as meaningless as comparing oranges with apples. In conclusion, the best way to confront this chaotic world is to stick to your guns which are your principles and your own goal in life. Good luck to you all in your quest for your own goals in life !
當你倒運時要忍耐振作,吸收更多知識與技能加以增值。當你成功時,要謙卑和加配努力。最重要的是,以中庸之道處理事情,避免以極端態度行事,言論和行為上 也要平和,這才是成功之道。沒有人是能夠永遠不求他人幫助的。所以應該不恥下問,有煩惱要尋求別人幫助。懂得以上道理,你已離開有意義人生不遠了。要量度 人生的成功與失敗,唯一的合理標準,便是以個人的既定人生目標作準。與別人比較,全無意義,因為人人背景不一樣,有如以蘋果和橙子相比一般。總而然之,要有效和成功地面對這紊亂的世界,我們必須有自己的鮮明人生目標,然後堅守原則,以中庸之道處世做人,便可活一個有意義的人生了。祝福各位,在追尋自己人生目標的路途上,一切順利如意。
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
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