Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 74 ) - May 22, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 74 ) - What is life ? - May 22, 2011

There are many definitions of life depending on one's perspective. Generally, there are three different perspectives on life - the scientific angle, the spiritual angle and the personal angle. Rather than defining life which is a very complicated phenomenon it may sometimes be sensible to identify the characteristics associated with life to highlight its special qualities.

Scientifically, life may be defined as an autonomous bio-system which can carry out biological functions such as respiration, nutrition, self repairs and reproduction to pass on its genes. The last function of passing on its genes is perhaps the most defining as it separates one specie from another. The genes give a particular specie its own character so to speak.

From the spiritual angle which at present is only applicable to intelligent beings like humans the defining characteristic is one's own consciousness. Unfortunately, consciousness is itself an illusive concept meaning different things to different people depending on their cultural and religious background. With the advance in technology such as brain scanning equipment scientists hope to pin down the nature of the human consciousness. Meanwhile, our consciousness can only be detected in our behaviour and personal character traits. That is the reason why there is a third angle on life called the personal angle.

Notwithstanding all the complications in defining or identifying the characteristics of life there are a few most cherished and generally revered characteristics of life. High on the list of such noble qualities is empathy closely followed by sacrifice, perseverance and resilience against adversities. When we reflect on our heroes and heroins in history we inevitably find one or more of these noble characteristics manifested in their heroic deeds. While empathy makes us human sacrifice makes us saints. On the other hand, perseverance and resilience make us formidable fighters in life. Despite all our human weaknesses we must all aspire for the noble qualities that define us as respectable human beings who can claim to have lived a meaningful life.


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