Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump White House's 'State of the Uniom' Typo Is Far From Its First - Fortune

Trump White House's 'State of the Uniom' Typo Is Far From Its First
Donald Trump Touts ‘Important’ State of the Union Address
He spoke to reporters on Monday.
Some lucky invitees were given tickets to President Donald Trump’s “State of the Uniom” speech on Tuesday.
The Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeepers is responsible for issuing the State of the Union tickets for spouses and guests of members of Congress to attend the speech—but it appears that some featured a glaring typo.
Rep. Raul Grijalva (D–Ariz.) tweeted a photo of the misspelling on Monday, getting in a dig at Education Secretary Betsy DeVos in the process.
Just received my ticket for the State of the Union. Looks like @BetsyDeVosEd was in charge of spell checking... #SOTUniom
7:20 AM - Jan 30, 2018
While the issue was quickly addressed and tickets reprinted, this is far from the first spelling-related gaffe from the Trump White House.
Not long after Trump was sworn into office in January last year, the White House misspelled British Prime Minister Theresa May’s name—three times. The misspelled version of her name, Teresa (with no h) May, happens to belong to a model and porn actress.
The original version of Trump’s inauguration poster also featured a typo. The message overlaid on his photo read “No dream is too big, no challenge is to great,” with the second “o” missing from the second “too.”
Then there was the time the White House issued a statement before Trump’s trip to Israel, saying that he hoped the visit would “promote the possibility of lasting peach.” And who could forget when the White House Snapchat account referred to Betsy DeVos as the “Secretary of Educatuon”?
Of course, Trump himself has had his own share of typos (“covfefe,” anyone?), but responsibility for the “State of the Uniom” error falls much farther down the chain of command.

1 comment:

  1. http://fortune.com/2018/01/30/state-of-the-union-typo-trump/?utm_campaign=fortunemagazine&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&xid=soc_socialflow_twitter_FORTUNE
