Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 66 ) - Specialized and Inter-Disciplinary Knowledge ( 專門和跨專業的學識 ) - April 1, 2011
Nowadays, being an expert in your own field is not enough as the modern world with its information explosion is bringing everyone and everything closer to one another. In my humble opinion, there are two main reasons for the emergence of this new trend. Firstly, human affairs are so complicated that a simple one to one relationship is no longer the rule. Interactive dialogue giving rise to multilateral exchanges culminating in feed back loops and more than a simple sum total of the inputs are now the rule rather than the exception. Secondly, the world wide web has given rise to the information technology revolution and the resultant information explosion that has allowed the instant sharing of all relevant information across various related disciplines which could be real time if so required. There is just no time to go home after work and think about a particular issue when confronted with one at the office.
在現今資訊爆炸的世界中,人與人,和事與事的距離,日益緊密,單只擁有專門學識是不足夠的。以在下的愚見,這是有兩大原因。其一是人與人之間的交往緊密 了,也比從前複雜多了。因此,形成了更多相向性的回響,一加一不只是等於二那麼簡單。其二是國際互聯網的出現,令至資訊互通,達到前所未有迅速和全面。必要時更可以即時資訊傳遞,立即令各有關方面獲得所需資料。這樣,專業人士便不能像從前一樣,等待回到家裏再慢慢地考慮問題,要當場和即時面對它們。
Under such encouraging or intimidating circumstances ( depending on how one looks at it ) every professional person or competent working individual is expected to know all the basic tenets of all other disciplines related to one's own area of responsibility. That is why for my own accountancy profession the basic requirements for becoming a professional accountant include a minimum university first degree to ensure that the candidates possess a general educational background. This was adopted over two decades ago. Similar general educational standards have been adopted by nearly all professional bodies regulating all the major professions such as medical practitioners, architect & engineers, lawyers and other financial and social professionals.
在這種令人鼓舞或令人害怕( 視乎你從那個角度看)的情況下,每個專業人員,都得明白和認識其他有關專業的基本操作原則。正就是這原因,我的老本行,會計專業,早已在二十多年前,便要 求準會計師,必須擁有起碼的大學學士或相等的教育程度,以確保他們擁有廣泛和普及性的教育訓練,以應付作為會計師必備的專業技能和重任。類似的要求和條件,在其他主要專業,如醫生,建築師,工程師, 律師,社會專業人士和金融專業工作者等,都有同樣規定
The practical consequences of such an inter-disciplinary approach are far reaching. It enables most of the responsible members of society to adopt a wider perspective in their judgment as well as to realize their proper place in the whole structure of society. In short, such an approach allows each of us to know more clearly about where we stand in society. It prevents us from being imprisoned in the ivory tower of our own profession possibly resulting in a " holier than thou " view of all other members of society. This is definitely good for society as a whole. Smart thinkers and prospective professionals should always adopt this approach even when they are not at work. It would be even better if we could extend our general knowledge to other basic areas such as philosophy, history, politics and economics, etc. For old timers like yours truly, we have the undeniable responsibility to pass it on to our younger generations.
這些跨專業學識的規定,是有着很深遠影響的。這樣的安排,會令到每一位專業人員,擁有廣闊的視野和判斷力,以及令各人明瞭自己在社會上的正確方位。換言 之,擁有跨專業學識,使我們明白自己的社會崗位和責任。這安排會使我們,避免被鎖在各自專業的象牙塔中,而引至形成一種為我獨尊的自我態度。這趨勢對整個 社會,一定是一件好事。有醒目思維的人,以及專業工作者,有醒目思維的人,以及專業工作者,應經常採取這態度處事,不只限制在工作時應用。如果我們將跨專業學識領域,擴展到其他重要學科,如哲學,歷史,政治和經濟學上, 便更加有效力了。如在下這些老人家,更是有着不可推卸的責任,把這訊息推延到年輕的一代去。
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 65 ) - March, 27, 2011
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 65 ) - Ex-ante and Ex-post Statements ( 前瞻句與事後句 ) - March 27, 2011
To think smart, we need to know what we are talking about. In terms of statement contents there are mainly two types of statements we can make. The contents may be predictive in nature which are known technically as Ex-ante statements or statement before the facts have occurred. Alternatively, the contents may be purely narrative or descriptive which are known technically as Ex-post statements or statements after the facts. It is of vital importance to distinguish the former from the latter. If we fail to do this we will most likely come to the wrong conclusion based on what we or other people say.
要有醒目的思維,我們先得了解,自己和他人講話的內容。以內容分類,句子可以主要分作前瞻句子和事後句子兩大類。第一種是有預測性的,叫作前瞻句 ( Ex-ante ),或是稱為事情未發生前的預料。第二種是事後的描述,叫作事後句 ( Ex-post ),或是稱為歷史性的描述。能分辨二者,是很重要的事。為因把它們混淆了,有可能會令我們達至錯誤的結論。
An example of an Ex-ante statement would be :- " I am going to work hard to pass my upcoming examination." Here, I am predicting some thing that is going to happen, namely, future hard work. On the other hand, if I say to my my wife that :- " It is destiny that has led to our chanced meeting and our happy marriage." Here, it is only a statement after the facts of our meeting and marriage. It is history so to speak. We usually have no problems with Ex-ante statements most of which we can easily understand. As regards Ex-post statements we may sometimes attribute to them predictive implications that they do not possess.
讓我舉一個前瞻句的例子,比如我說:「我會努力準備將會來臨的考試。」在這裡,我是預言某些事情的發生,即是說我將會用功。相反地,如果我對太太說:「 是命運安排,令我們相識和結婚。」在這裡,我只是指出這些既定的事實,只是歷史吧了,並無甚麼預測性的內容,這便是事後句子。我們通常很容易明白前瞻句 子,但是對事後句便會有疑難了。問題多出在,錯誤地給予事後句子,一些預測性的能力, 其實它們並沒有這些能耐。
Take my last statement to my wife about destiny for example, I have actually implied that destiny is a supernatural force that has caused us to meet and fall in love whereas it was our free will and personal choices that had caused our marriage to occur. Another example can be found in economics and other intellectual disciplines. When we say the demand for a certain commodity is elastic we are referring to the whole demand curve of that commodity reflecting quantities demanded at different prices when a more than proportional amount is demanded as that of the fall in price. It is an Ex-ante statement making a prediction on the behaviour of the quantities demanded at various prices. On the other hand, simply stating the quantity demanded at a certain price is an Ex-post statement which simply reflects a historic relation between the quantity demanded at a given price. It is history at a point in time. Please be smart thinkers and be able to distinguish between the two kinds of statements for clear thinking.
再次檢討我對太太說有關命運之言論,其實我是暗示了命運是有一種超自然力量,更加可以安排人的未來,當然這是不正確的,因為結婚是我們個人選擇,而相遇也 只是歷史事實。試想,在我們相遇的同一場合,也有其他人存在,為什麼又不說我們和他們有緣份呢?十分明確地,我們的個人選擇,決定了我們自己的將來。另外一個例子,可以在經濟學和其他類似學科尋找到。當我們說某種商品的需求是具有彈性的,這顯示商品被需求的數量增加,會比價格的跌幅比例為大。這是一種 前瞻句子,可以預測那商品在不同價格下,的不同被需求數量,是有預測性的。反之,我們如說,某一商品在某一價格的被需求數量是若干,這便是一種事後句子, 它只是一種歷史的描述。要有醒目的思維,我們必須把二者分辨出來,才可達到清晰的思考過程。
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
To think smart, we need to know what we are talking about. In terms of statement contents there are mainly two types of statements we can make. The contents may be predictive in nature which are known technically as Ex-ante statements or statement before the facts have occurred. Alternatively, the contents may be purely narrative or descriptive which are known technically as Ex-post statements or statements after the facts. It is of vital importance to distinguish the former from the latter. If we fail to do this we will most likely come to the wrong conclusion based on what we or other people say.
要有醒目的思維,我們先得了解,自己和他人講話的內容。以內容分類,句子可以主要分作前瞻句子和事後句子兩大類。第一種是有預測性的,叫作前瞻句 ( Ex-ante ),或是稱為事情未發生前的預料。第二種是事後的描述,叫作事後句 ( Ex-post ),或是稱為歷史性的描述。能分辨二者,是很重要的事。為因把它們混淆了,有可能會令我們達至錯誤的結論。
An example of an Ex-ante statement would be :- " I am going to work hard to pass my upcoming examination." Here, I am predicting some thing that is going to happen, namely, future hard work. On the other hand, if I say to my my wife that :- " It is destiny that has led to our chanced meeting and our happy marriage." Here, it is only a statement after the facts of our meeting and marriage. It is history so to speak. We usually have no problems with Ex-ante statements most of which we can easily understand. As regards Ex-post statements we may sometimes attribute to them predictive implications that they do not possess.
讓我舉一個前瞻句的例子,比如我說:「我會努力準備將會來臨的考試。」在這裡,我是預言某些事情的發生,即是說我將會用功。相反地,如果我對太太說:「 是命運安排,令我們相識和結婚。」在這裡,我只是指出這些既定的事實,只是歷史吧了,並無甚麼預測性的內容,這便是事後句子。我們通常很容易明白前瞻句 子,但是對事後句便會有疑難了。問題多出在,錯誤地給予事後句子,一些預測性的能力, 其實它們並沒有這些能耐。
Take my last statement to my wife about destiny for example, I have actually implied that destiny is a supernatural force that has caused us to meet and fall in love whereas it was our free will and personal choices that had caused our marriage to occur. Another example can be found in economics and other intellectual disciplines. When we say the demand for a certain commodity is elastic we are referring to the whole demand curve of that commodity reflecting quantities demanded at different prices when a more than proportional amount is demanded as that of the fall in price. It is an Ex-ante statement making a prediction on the behaviour of the quantities demanded at various prices. On the other hand, simply stating the quantity demanded at a certain price is an Ex-post statement which simply reflects a historic relation between the quantity demanded at a given price. It is history at a point in time. Please be smart thinkers and be able to distinguish between the two kinds of statements for clear thinking.
再次檢討我對太太說有關命運之言論,其實我是暗示了命運是有一種超自然力量,更加可以安排人的未來,當然這是不正確的,因為結婚是我們個人選擇,而相遇也 只是歷史事實。試想,在我們相遇的同一場合,也有其他人存在,為什麼又不說我們和他們有緣份呢?十分明確地,我們的個人選擇,決定了我們自己的將來。另外一個例子,可以在經濟學和其他類似學科尋找到。當我們說某種商品的需求是具有彈性的,這顯示商品被需求的數量增加,會比價格的跌幅比例為大。這是一種 前瞻句子,可以預測那商品在不同價格下,的不同被需求數量,是有預測性的。反之,我們如說,某一商品在某一價格的被需求數量是若干,這便是一種事後句子, 它只是一種歷史的描述。要有醒目的思維,我們必須把二者分辨出來,才可達到清晰的思考過程。
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 64 ) - March, 13, 2011
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 64 ) - Reductionist vs. Holistic Approach ( 歸納法和整體觀 ) - March 13, 2011
Behind all the monumental achievements of modern science and technology ( of course with the related threats to human lives and our environment as well ) there lies a very powerful tool in problem solving used since the birth of modern science in the Sixteenth Century at the times of Galileo, Newton and Descartes. This approach in problem solving is called the reductionist method whereby complicated things or problems are broken down into smaller individual parts. Then, we study how each small part works and put them back together again to understand the overall mode of operation. This method is so successful that most if not all scientists follow this method to the present day.
在我們現有空前成功的科技背面,是存在着一種十分強有力的工具。它便是起源於十六世紀,加里略,牛頓和狄格司等人那時代的,新科學紀元開始使用, 來解決問題的歸納法。這個方法,是將複雜的事物,化整為零,將每個小部分加以分析,了解它的操作情況,然後把它們整合起來,以確定整體的操作程式。由於這 方法極度成功,所以到了今天,絕大科學家都仍然樂於用它。
Then, the biological sciences including genetic and neuro sciences and most importantly the behavioural sciences come on the scene and scientists are greatly puzzled at the apparent failure of the reductionist approach to solve the important problems such as the causes of cancer and investor behaviour. Finally, some philosophers ( many of whom are scientists ) studying the working principles of the scientific method come up with an explanation. Among them the Nobel Laureate, Ilya Prigogine ( who is awarded the Nobel Prize for his profound discovery of complexity and the emergence of life ) discovers that in most bio-systems there are multi-feedback loops meaning individual factors in a system do not affect the system in one way traffic. The factors, in fact, interacts with one another in endless interactive-cycles to create endless ripple effects. In short, one plus one can be more than two. This is easily seen in the economy ( a social system ) as the " Multiplier Effect " that will give rise to vicious cycles making the end result much greater than the initial input such as an increase in consumer spending. To understand the multilateral interactions properly a holistic approach must be adopted. As opposed to the reductionist method, the holistic approach looks at the system as a whole to understand how the related parts interact with one another.
到了生物學和社會科學的面世,包括遺傳學, 神經系統研究,以及行為科學等更複雜的範疇要處理,歸納法便難以應付。科學家們感到十分困惑,為什麼這一向效的工具,不 能解釋有如投資者心態,以及癌症起因等問題呢。最後,一些科學上的哲學家,提出了答案。包括 諾貝爾獎得主柏力高堅( Ilya Prigogine )等人,提出了在複雜的生物學系統中,會出現很多相對互動的因素,影響不是單方面的,導致複雜和不可預料的結果,一加一是可以多於二的通常結果。 Prigogine 的得獎理論,是解釋生命是可能由複雜互動系統中演變出來的。生命的真正來源,到今天仍是神秘的謎。他的理論指出,相向互動的因素,會產生無止境的波浪效 應,互相影響,結果難測。就有如經濟學上的倍數效應( Multiplier Effect ),一些少量的消費可以造成大於原本數目的消費總和。要了解複雜的互動因素,我們必須以整體觀來分析這些因素,注意整體的效應,而不是個別因素的簡單總 和。
This is not new at all. It can be traced back some 5,000 years to the Chinese tradition and theories of the great philosophy book the famous I-Ching. We have heard so much about the great human genome project that has decoded the entire human genome of over 100,000 pairs of human genes. At first, scientists think we can proceed to discover all the genetic causes of all human diseases. Hold your horses because it is not that easy ! The reason is simple. While it has been discovered that the defects in certain genes are related to some diseases the combined effects of other genes have been found to counteract some defects to prevent occurrence of the related diseases. There is just no definite one to one relation. Therefore, the overall perspective has once again proven to be crucial.
整體觀並不是新概念,我們可以將它追索到五千年前中國的易經裡面。我們聽說很多有關人類基因的分析計劃, 科學家把整個人類的超過十萬對基因排列出來了。起初,科學家雀躍不已,認為可以很快尋找出,所有疾病的基因來源。可惜這只是空歡喜一場,因為事情並沒有這 般簡單。他們雖然尋找出一些基因與某些疾病的聯繫性,但他們亦發現有其他基因,會作出對抗性的均衡作用,抵消了這些壞基因的影響,甚而數個基因互相控制一些病 因。結論是,一對一的關係,並不存在。這一再證明整體觀的重要性。
For example, while western medicine is effective in dealing with emergency medical conditions by surgery and radiation treatment Chinese medicine is more suited to treating long term ailments like rheumatism through the strengthening of the immunity system by the use of herbal medicine and acupuncture. The former directly attacks the part of the body where the trouble appears while the latter takes a wider perspective or holistic approach of treating the whole immune system. Western and oriental medicines were once seen as mutually exclusive but nowadays both are adopting the strength of the other. Western medicine has used acupuncture as alternative medicine while Chinese medicine has also adopted the scientific approach of quantifying the potency of herbal medicine. That is a very good sign as there is no single golden rule that can cure everything. We should adopt the same attitude to become smart thinkers.
再拿一個例子來說,西方醫學對緊急醫學情況,是特別有效的。它可以用外科手術和放射性治療,對付癌症和緊急症狀,但對於長期疾病,如風濕等,便不及中醫的治本了,中醫以草藥和針灸,給予徹底醫理。西方醫學,對點治療,但比不上中醫的針對免疫系統,固本培源, 那般轍底。從 前,中西醫學是被視為兩不相容的。到了現在,西方醫學,已開始使用,針灸等中醫療法,稱之另類療法。中醫也進行中藥科學化,以確定它的準確藥力。這都是十 分令人鼓勵的發展。解決事情,沒有唯一的金科玉律,以適當的方法,處理合適的難題,不管它是歸納法或整體觀也好,適當地使用便行。這樣,我們便可擁有醒目 的思維了。
( Note : Please see my other blog entry about - " The Three World We Experience " here :- )
( 有關我們體驗的三個不同世界和適用的分析原則,請參考我這BLOG 部落格:- )
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
Behind all the monumental achievements of modern science and technology ( of course with the related threats to human lives and our environment as well ) there lies a very powerful tool in problem solving used since the birth of modern science in the Sixteenth Century at the times of Galileo, Newton and Descartes. This approach in problem solving is called the reductionist method whereby complicated things or problems are broken down into smaller individual parts. Then, we study how each small part works and put them back together again to understand the overall mode of operation. This method is so successful that most if not all scientists follow this method to the present day.
在我們現有空前成功的科技背面,是存在着一種十分強有力的工具。它便是起源於十六世紀,加里略,牛頓和狄格司等人那時代的,新科學紀元開始使用, 來解決問題的歸納法。這個方法,是將複雜的事物,化整為零,將每個小部分加以分析,了解它的操作情況,然後把它們整合起來,以確定整體的操作程式。由於這 方法極度成功,所以到了今天,絕大科學家都仍然樂於用它。
Then, the biological sciences including genetic and neuro sciences and most importantly the behavioural sciences come on the scene and scientists are greatly puzzled at the apparent failure of the reductionist approach to solve the important problems such as the causes of cancer and investor behaviour. Finally, some philosophers ( many of whom are scientists ) studying the working principles of the scientific method come up with an explanation. Among them the Nobel Laureate, Ilya Prigogine ( who is awarded the Nobel Prize for his profound discovery of complexity and the emergence of life ) discovers that in most bio-systems there are multi-feedback loops meaning individual factors in a system do not affect the system in one way traffic. The factors, in fact, interacts with one another in endless interactive-cycles to create endless ripple effects. In short, one plus one can be more than two. This is easily seen in the economy ( a social system ) as the " Multiplier Effect " that will give rise to vicious cycles making the end result much greater than the initial input such as an increase in consumer spending. To understand the multilateral interactions properly a holistic approach must be adopted. As opposed to the reductionist method, the holistic approach looks at the system as a whole to understand how the related parts interact with one another.
到了生物學和社會科學的面世,包括遺傳學, 神經系統研究,以及行為科學等更複雜的範疇要處理,歸納法便難以應付。科學家們感到十分困惑,為什麼這一向效的工具,不 能解釋有如投資者心態,以及癌症起因等問題呢。最後,一些科學上的哲學家,提出了答案。包括 諾貝爾獎得主柏力高堅( Ilya Prigogine )等人,提出了在複雜的生物學系統中,會出現很多相對互動的因素,影響不是單方面的,導致複雜和不可預料的結果,一加一是可以多於二的通常結果。 Prigogine 的得獎理論,是解釋生命是可能由複雜互動系統中演變出來的。生命的真正來源,到今天仍是神秘的謎。他的理論指出,相向互動的因素,會產生無止境的波浪效 應,互相影響,結果難測。就有如經濟學上的倍數效應( Multiplier Effect ),一些少量的消費可以造成大於原本數目的消費總和。要了解複雜的互動因素,我們必須以整體觀來分析這些因素,注意整體的效應,而不是個別因素的簡單總 和。
This is not new at all. It can be traced back some 5,000 years to the Chinese tradition and theories of the great philosophy book the famous I-Ching. We have heard so much about the great human genome project that has decoded the entire human genome of over 100,000 pairs of human genes. At first, scientists think we can proceed to discover all the genetic causes of all human diseases. Hold your horses because it is not that easy ! The reason is simple. While it has been discovered that the defects in certain genes are related to some diseases the combined effects of other genes have been found to counteract some defects to prevent occurrence of the related diseases. There is just no definite one to one relation. Therefore, the overall perspective has once again proven to be crucial.
整體觀並不是新概念,我們可以將它追索到五千年前中國的易經裡面。我們聽說很多有關人類基因的分析計劃, 科學家把整個人類的超過十萬對基因排列出來了。起初,科學家雀躍不已,認為可以很快尋找出,所有疾病的基因來源。可惜這只是空歡喜一場,因為事情並沒有這 般簡單。他們雖然尋找出一些基因與某些疾病的聯繫性,但他們亦發現有其他基因,會作出對抗性的均衡作用,抵消了這些壞基因的影響,甚而數個基因互相控制一些病 因。結論是,一對一的關係,並不存在。這一再證明整體觀的重要性。
For example, while western medicine is effective in dealing with emergency medical conditions by surgery and radiation treatment Chinese medicine is more suited to treating long term ailments like rheumatism through the strengthening of the immunity system by the use of herbal medicine and acupuncture. The former directly attacks the part of the body where the trouble appears while the latter takes a wider perspective or holistic approach of treating the whole immune system. Western and oriental medicines were once seen as mutually exclusive but nowadays both are adopting the strength of the other. Western medicine has used acupuncture as alternative medicine while Chinese medicine has also adopted the scientific approach of quantifying the potency of herbal medicine. That is a very good sign as there is no single golden rule that can cure everything. We should adopt the same attitude to become smart thinkers.
再拿一個例子來說,西方醫學對緊急醫學情況,是特別有效的。它可以用外科手術和放射性治療,對付癌症和緊急症狀,但對於長期疾病,如風濕等,便不及中醫的治本了,中醫以草藥和針灸,給予徹底醫理。西方醫學,對點治療,但比不上中醫的針對免疫系統,固本培源, 那般轍底。從 前,中西醫學是被視為兩不相容的。到了現在,西方醫學,已開始使用,針灸等中醫療法,稱之另類療法。中醫也進行中藥科學化,以確定它的準確藥力。這都是十 分令人鼓勵的發展。解決事情,沒有唯一的金科玉律,以適當的方法,處理合適的難題,不管它是歸納法或整體觀也好,適當地使用便行。這樣,我們便可擁有醒目 的思維了。
( Note : Please see my other blog entry about - " The Three World We Experience " here :- )
( 有關我們體驗的三個不同世界和適用的分析原則,請參考我這BLOG 部落格:- )
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 63 ) - March, 9, 2011
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 63 ) - Confronting this Chaotic World ( 面對這紊亂的世界 ) - March 9, 2011
I don't blame you if you are totally lost and confused in this chaotic world. All the world's troubles seem to have started at the 911 tragedy in 2001 in Manhattan, New York City. In fact, the chaos started long ago at different times for different people when we fail to find our goal in life and thus losing our orientation.
假若你已經被這個紊亂的世界,弄得迷惘和失落了,我絕不會責備你。這世界上所有的麻煩,都像是從2001年美國紐約曼哈頓的911慘劇開始的。其實,對每 一個人來說,煩惱是在不同的時間開始的。但都擁有一個共通點,就是這開始都是始源於沒法尋找到自己的人生目標那一刻。這樣一來,我們便迷失了方向。
When mariners embark on a seafaring trip the first thing they do is to bring out their sea charts and plot their course. Obviously, you cannot chart your course without a destination. So why is it that many people do not have their own goal in life when they navigate this most important and treacherous journey of all. Certainly, we will end up lost in life if we do not have a clear goal or destination. This is a great pity because we have only a single attempt in leading a meaningful life. So, why not make the best of it.
當航海者要開始一段旅程時,他們第一件要做的事,就是拿出他們的航海圖, 然後計劃出一條航線來。假若你沒有一個目的地,你又怎樣可以畫出一條航線呢。既然是這樣,為什麼有些人卻沒有人生目標,又如何可以安全和完滿地,航行這段 最重要又最崎嶇的人生路程呢。沒有人生目標的後果,必定是迷途與失落了。這是一件十分可惜的事情,因為我們只有一個機會,去活一個有意義的人生,錯過了良 機,無法可再度挽回。那麼我們為何不好好地去珍惜和把握,這個可一而不可再的機會。
The sixty-four dollar question is, of course, how to find our goal in life ? Well, it is a highly personal quest. To learn about reality which consists of the physical world, our own mental world and the interactive world with other people we call society seems to be a good start. Once you are fairly well informed about reality then you must find your proper place in it with respect to your own talents. Based on your talents and abilities you will be able to set a clear goal in life that will make a better world for tomorrow both for yourself and others. A good start is half way to success. Persevere in the pursuit of your goal with a dedicated mind and a compassionate heart as all living things are born out of the same humble beginning as star dust ( see my blog post here :- ).
話得說回來,重要問題是如何尋找自己的人生目標呢?這是個極度個人的問題。但似乎一個好的開始, 是去了解這個現實世界。現實包含了三個層面,就是實際的物質世界,我們的內心思想世界,以及與別人交往的社會。當你對現實有了相當的認識後,你必須根據你 的天份,尋找到你的正確位置。然後你才可以開始尋找,一個會令世界更美好,而又可利己利人, 相得益彰的人生目標,這便是個好開始。一個好開始便是成功的一半了。堅持你的原則,努力不懈地向着目標,勇往直前。更加要以憐憫之心對待他人,因為眾生皆 由星塵而來 ( 請參考我的BLOG 部落格 )。
When you are down be patient and increase your own value by learning more skill and knowledge. When you are successful be humble and keep working hard for your goal. Most important of all, be human and keep a balanced perspective to avoid falling victim to extremism both behaviorally and verbally. No man or woman is an island. Therefore, we must not be ashamed to talk to other people about our troubles and ask for help. Having done all of the above you will never be too far from leading a meaningful life. This is how success in life should be measured not by comparison with others but by gauging against your own set goals as everyone is different in background. To do the former is just as meaningless as comparing oranges with apples. In conclusion, the best way to confront this chaotic world is to stick to your guns which are your principles and your own goal in life. Good luck to you all in your quest for your own goals in life !
當你倒運時要忍耐振作,吸收更多知識與技能加以增值。當你成功時,要謙卑和加配努力。最重要的是,以中庸之道處理事情,避免以極端態度行事,言論和行為上 也要平和,這才是成功之道。沒有人是能夠永遠不求他人幫助的。所以應該不恥下問,有煩惱要尋求別人幫助。懂得以上道理,你已離開有意義人生不遠了。要量度 人生的成功與失敗,唯一的合理標準,便是以個人的既定人生目標作準。與別人比較,全無意義,因為人人背景不一樣,有如以蘋果和橙子相比一般。總而然之,要有效和成功地面對這紊亂的世界,我們必須有自己的鮮明人生目標,然後堅守原則,以中庸之道處世做人,便可活一個有意義的人生了。祝福各位,在追尋自己人生目標的路途上,一切順利如意。
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )

I don't blame you if you are totally lost and confused in this chaotic world. All the world's troubles seem to have started at the 911 tragedy in 2001 in Manhattan, New York City. In fact, the chaos started long ago at different times for different people when we fail to find our goal in life and thus losing our orientation.
假若你已經被這個紊亂的世界,弄得迷惘和失落了,我絕不會責備你。這世界上所有的麻煩,都像是從2001年美國紐約曼哈頓的911慘劇開始的。其實,對每 一個人來說,煩惱是在不同的時間開始的。但都擁有一個共通點,就是這開始都是始源於沒法尋找到自己的人生目標那一刻。這樣一來,我們便迷失了方向。
When mariners embark on a seafaring trip the first thing they do is to bring out their sea charts and plot their course. Obviously, you cannot chart your course without a destination. So why is it that many people do not have their own goal in life when they navigate this most important and treacherous journey of all. Certainly, we will end up lost in life if we do not have a clear goal or destination. This is a great pity because we have only a single attempt in leading a meaningful life. So, why not make the best of it.
當航海者要開始一段旅程時,他們第一件要做的事,就是拿出他們的航海圖, 然後計劃出一條航線來。假若你沒有一個目的地,你又怎樣可以畫出一條航線呢。既然是這樣,為什麼有些人卻沒有人生目標,又如何可以安全和完滿地,航行這段 最重要又最崎嶇的人生路程呢。沒有人生目標的後果,必定是迷途與失落了。這是一件十分可惜的事情,因為我們只有一個機會,去活一個有意義的人生,錯過了良 機,無法可再度挽回。那麼我們為何不好好地去珍惜和把握,這個可一而不可再的機會。
The sixty-four dollar question is, of course, how to find our goal in life ? Well, it is a highly personal quest. To learn about reality which consists of the physical world, our own mental world and the interactive world with other people we call society seems to be a good start. Once you are fairly well informed about reality then you must find your proper place in it with respect to your own talents. Based on your talents and abilities you will be able to set a clear goal in life that will make a better world for tomorrow both for yourself and others. A good start is half way to success. Persevere in the pursuit of your goal with a dedicated mind and a compassionate heart as all living things are born out of the same humble beginning as star dust ( see my blog post here :- ).
話得說回來,重要問題是如何尋找自己的人生目標呢?這是個極度個人的問題。但似乎一個好的開始, 是去了解這個現實世界。現實包含了三個層面,就是實際的物質世界,我們的內心思想世界,以及與別人交往的社會。當你對現實有了相當的認識後,你必須根據你 的天份,尋找到你的正確位置。然後你才可以開始尋找,一個會令世界更美好,而又可利己利人, 相得益彰的人生目標,這便是個好開始。一個好開始便是成功的一半了。堅持你的原則,努力不懈地向着目標,勇往直前。更加要以憐憫之心對待他人,因為眾生皆 由星塵而來 ( 請參考我的BLOG 部落格 )。
When you are down be patient and increase your own value by learning more skill and knowledge. When you are successful be humble and keep working hard for your goal. Most important of all, be human and keep a balanced perspective to avoid falling victim to extremism both behaviorally and verbally. No man or woman is an island. Therefore, we must not be ashamed to talk to other people about our troubles and ask for help. Having done all of the above you will never be too far from leading a meaningful life. This is how success in life should be measured not by comparison with others but by gauging against your own set goals as everyone is different in background. To do the former is just as meaningless as comparing oranges with apples. In conclusion, the best way to confront this chaotic world is to stick to your guns which are your principles and your own goal in life. Good luck to you all in your quest for your own goals in life !
當你倒運時要忍耐振作,吸收更多知識與技能加以增值。當你成功時,要謙卑和加配努力。最重要的是,以中庸之道處理事情,避免以極端態度行事,言論和行為上 也要平和,這才是成功之道。沒有人是能夠永遠不求他人幫助的。所以應該不恥下問,有煩惱要尋求別人幫助。懂得以上道理,你已離開有意義人生不遠了。要量度 人生的成功與失敗,唯一的合理標準,便是以個人的既定人生目標作準。與別人比較,全無意義,因為人人背景不一樣,有如以蘋果和橙子相比一般。總而然之,要有效和成功地面對這紊亂的世界,我們必須有自己的鮮明人生目標,然後堅守原則,以中庸之道處世做人,便可活一個有意義的人生了。祝福各位,在追尋自己人生目標的路途上,一切順利如意。
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
Friday, March 4, 2011
Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 62 ) - March, 5, 2011
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 62 ) - Necessary, Sufficient & Final Conditions ( 必須,足夠和最後條件 ) - March 5, 2011
To achieve anything there are prerequisites or preconditions to be met before success can be assured. Formal logic calls these necessary and sufficient conditions. We encounter these on a daily basis without consciously acknowledging them. They are sometimes incorrectly or inappropriately used by us in our reasoning process. While both necessary and sufficient conditions are normally present to ensure success the existence of just the sufficient condition alone will also serve the purpose. On the other hand, the presence of only the necessary condition without a sufficient one is not good enough to achieve success on its own.
要一件事肯定成功,通常需要一些先決條件。正規邏輯叫這些條件為必須和足夠條件。我們在日常都隨時遇見它們,但多數只是潛意識地接受了其存在。甚至有時會 錯誤地使用了它們。通常要一件事成功,兩種條件都要具備,但只要單一的足夠條件存在,事情也可以成功的。相反來說,單有必須條件,事情便不一定會成事了。
For example, we usually praise successful people in business by complimenting them on their hard work. So much so that we simply conclude that the sole reason for their success is their diligence. However, hard work alone is not enough to ensure success as can be seen from the fact that there are many hard working but poor people. Thus, we say that hard work is only a necessary condition for success but the sufficient condition is a prevailing favourable economic condition in society at the right time or simply luck. We must distinguish between necessary and sufficient conditions in order to avoid falling victim to wrong reasoning. Never treat a necessary condition as if it were a sufficient condition or vice versa.
Furthermore, the necessary condition can be dispensed with on the path to success so long as the sufficient condition is present. For example, it is necessary to work hard to become rich but if you have luck ( such as having rich parents ) which is the sufficient condition you can still be rich without working hard although it is rare. Finally, there is always a slight chance for things to go wrong even in a given favourable environment. For example, you have thoroughly prepared for an examination and all goes well on your way to the examination hall. Most unfortunately, you suddenly develop stomach trouble which adversely affects your examination performance. This is the famous Uncertainty Principle in quantum mechanics which usually affects entities of subatomic size but in rare cases it can also manifest itself in the macro world especially in the form of weird accidents. We call this Murphy's Law which says that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. This is a pessimistic or cautious view of the world depending on how you look at it. Therefore, yours truly have added an extra condition to the generally accepted necessary and sufficient conditions for success and call it the Final Condition ( or technically called the absence of unfavourable quantum disposition ). Let us all be smart thinkers.
除此之外,我們應理解到,在往成功的路上,只要有足夠條件,便可把必須條件,置之不理。拿個例子, 你必須努力才可富有,但是如果你幸運,有富有的父母,你便擁有足夠條件,不用努力也自然成為富翁了。這當然是比較罕見的事。最後,就算在一個十分良好的環境下,仍然會出亂子的。比如,你十分充分地準備了應付考試,往試場途中一切順利,十分不幸地,你在考 試過程中拉肚子,大大影響了你的表現。這種情況,就是著名的量子力學上所謂無常原則( Uncertainty Principle ), 通常只會影響小於原子大小的事物,但間中也會發生於相對較大的事物,多數會在古怪的意外中觀察得到。這些不幸事情,我們亦稱之為梅菲定律( Murphy's Law ),它是說:「 一切最壞的情況,都會不幸地成為現實。」這是對現實的一種悲觀或小心的看法。因此,在下便稱之為最後條件 ( 或叫作良好的量子力學條件 )。將它加於必須和足夠條件之上,以令我們的分析和預測能力加強。這樣會使我們有更醒目的思維。
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
To achieve anything there are prerequisites or preconditions to be met before success can be assured. Formal logic calls these necessary and sufficient conditions. We encounter these on a daily basis without consciously acknowledging them. They are sometimes incorrectly or inappropriately used by us in our reasoning process. While both necessary and sufficient conditions are normally present to ensure success the existence of just the sufficient condition alone will also serve the purpose. On the other hand, the presence of only the necessary condition without a sufficient one is not good enough to achieve success on its own.
要一件事肯定成功,通常需要一些先決條件。正規邏輯叫這些條件為必須和足夠條件。我們在日常都隨時遇見它們,但多數只是潛意識地接受了其存在。甚至有時會 錯誤地使用了它們。通常要一件事成功,兩種條件都要具備,但只要單一的足夠條件存在,事情也可以成功的。相反來說,單有必須條件,事情便不一定會成事了。
For example, we usually praise successful people in business by complimenting them on their hard work. So much so that we simply conclude that the sole reason for their success is their diligence. However, hard work alone is not enough to ensure success as can be seen from the fact that there are many hard working but poor people. Thus, we say that hard work is only a necessary condition for success but the sufficient condition is a prevailing favourable economic condition in society at the right time or simply luck. We must distinguish between necessary and sufficient conditions in order to avoid falling victim to wrong reasoning. Never treat a necessary condition as if it were a sufficient condition or vice versa.
Furthermore, the necessary condition can be dispensed with on the path to success so long as the sufficient condition is present. For example, it is necessary to work hard to become rich but if you have luck ( such as having rich parents ) which is the sufficient condition you can still be rich without working hard although it is rare. Finally, there is always a slight chance for things to go wrong even in a given favourable environment. For example, you have thoroughly prepared for an examination and all goes well on your way to the examination hall. Most unfortunately, you suddenly develop stomach trouble which adversely affects your examination performance. This is the famous Uncertainty Principle in quantum mechanics which usually affects entities of subatomic size but in rare cases it can also manifest itself in the macro world especially in the form of weird accidents. We call this Murphy's Law which says that everything that can go wrong will go wrong. This is a pessimistic or cautious view of the world depending on how you look at it. Therefore, yours truly have added an extra condition to the generally accepted necessary and sufficient conditions for success and call it the Final Condition ( or technically called the absence of unfavourable quantum disposition ). Let us all be smart thinkers.
除此之外,我們應理解到,在往成功的路上,只要有足夠條件,便可把必須條件,置之不理。拿個例子, 你必須努力才可富有,但是如果你幸運,有富有的父母,你便擁有足夠條件,不用努力也自然成為富翁了。這當然是比較罕見的事。最後,就算在一個十分良好的環境下,仍然會出亂子的。比如,你十分充分地準備了應付考試,往試場途中一切順利,十分不幸地,你在考 試過程中拉肚子,大大影響了你的表現。這種情況,就是著名的量子力學上所謂無常原則( Uncertainty Principle ), 通常只會影響小於原子大小的事物,但間中也會發生於相對較大的事物,多數會在古怪的意外中觀察得到。這些不幸事情,我們亦稱之為梅菲定律( Murphy's Law ),它是說:「 一切最壞的情況,都會不幸地成為現實。」這是對現實的一種悲觀或小心的看法。因此,在下便稱之為最後條件 ( 或叫作良好的量子力學條件 )。將它加於必須和足夠條件之上,以令我們的分析和預測能力加強。這樣會使我們有更醒目的思維。
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 61 ) - March, 2, 2011
Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 61 ) - The Three Worlds We Experience ( 我們體驗的三個世界 ) - March, 2, 2011
In his giant book of some 1,200 pages called " The Road to Reality - A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe ", famous Oxford theoretical and mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose made an observation that we actually live in three worlds all linked together through our consciousness. These three worlds are the " physical world " which obeys the invariant scientific laws of nature ; our complicated " mental world " of thoughts and ideas which follows complex rules and the perfect world of mathematics which follows pure logic and can very aptly describe our physical world. Furthermore, it seems that the physical world is governed or controlled by the mathematical world through mathematical rules. In turn, the mathematical world seems to be created or invented by our own mentality whereas our mental world is again governed by the invariant laws of nature of the physical world via our physiology such as our brain and other biological systems ( nervous, respiratory, digestive, circulatory systems, etc. )
著名的英國數學物理學家潘路斯爵士, 在他的一千二百頁巨著,「往現實的路」一書中,觀察到我們實際上是活在三個不同的世界中。而且這三者又由我們的意識連貫起來。這 三個世界便是,由不變易的大自然定律所控制的實際世界,神秘 錯綜複雜的思想世界,和由純邏輯主宰的完美數學世界組成。最後者更加能巧妙地和合適地描述現實的自然世界。除此之外,作者更發現到現實世界是由數學世界的 規則控制的。而數學世界卻由我們的思想世界所發明和操縱。繼之,我們的思想世界又由現實自然世界的系統 ( 如神經,消化,呼吸和循環等系統)所支配的。這就完成了數學規則控制實際自然世界操作。實際世界通過生理系統啟動我們的思想世界。我們的思想進一步創造和 發現數學規則,構成這一個單向的大循環了。
To be aware of which world we are dealing with is important insofar as we must apply the appropriate rules ( i.e. invariant scientific laws for the physical world, complex chaotic rules for our mental world and pure logic for the mathematical world ) to achieve maximum understanding and top efficiency in terms of our efforts and relative disposition.
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
In his giant book of some 1,200 pages called " The Road to Reality - A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe ", famous Oxford theoretical and mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose made an observation that we actually live in three worlds all linked together through our consciousness. These three worlds are the " physical world " which obeys the invariant scientific laws of nature ; our complicated " mental world " of thoughts and ideas which follows complex rules and the perfect world of mathematics which follows pure logic and can very aptly describe our physical world. Furthermore, it seems that the physical world is governed or controlled by the mathematical world through mathematical rules. In turn, the mathematical world seems to be created or invented by our own mentality whereas our mental world is again governed by the invariant laws of nature of the physical world via our physiology such as our brain and other biological systems ( nervous, respiratory, digestive, circulatory systems, etc. )
著名的英國數學物理學家潘路斯爵士, 在他的一千二百頁巨著,「往現實的路」一書中,觀察到我們實際上是活在三個不同的世界中。而且這三者又由我們的意識連貫起來。這 三個世界便是,由不變易的大自然定律所控制的實際世界,神秘 錯綜複雜的思想世界,和由純邏輯主宰的完美數學世界組成。最後者更加能巧妙地和合適地描述現實的自然世界。除此之外,作者更發現到現實世界是由數學世界的 規則控制的。而數學世界卻由我們的思想世界所發明和操縱。繼之,我們的思想世界又由現實自然世界的系統 ( 如神經,消化,呼吸和循環等系統)所支配的。這就完成了數學規則控制實際自然世界操作。實際世界通過生理系統啟動我們的思想世界。我們的思想進一步創造和 發現數學規則,構成這一個單向的大循環了。
To be aware of which world we are dealing with is important insofar as we must apply the appropriate rules ( i.e. invariant scientific laws for the physical world, complex chaotic rules for our mental world and pure logic for the mathematical world ) to achieve maximum understanding and top efficiency in terms of our efforts and relative disposition.
JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )
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