Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 41 ) - November 14, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 41 ) - Politics and Politicians ( 政治與政客 ) - Nov., 14, 2010

Politics is business of the people. Therefore, no one can afford to ignore it. On the other hand, politicians are necessary pains that we have to tolerate because they could be so destructive. This is at odds with what they are enjoying. Despite all these misfortunes we need them nevertheless. Politics is the only profession I know in which one is remunerated by money as well as the rare privilege of a chance to get into the history books in a significant way. That simply means immortality. Politicians heed this warning. Be grateful for this great privilege to serve and so you must act decently. Power to the people always !

政治是眾人之事,所以沒人能對它置之不理。在令一方面,政客卻是我們必須容忍的痛楚。這是因為他們擁有着極度破壞性的潛力。這情況與 他們享受的優待絕對不成正比。話雖如此,我們仍然需要他們來管治國家。政治這行專業,是我所知道的唯一有雙重報酬的工作。政客有薪金,亦有可以達到留名清 史的罕有良機。後者等同永垂不朽的最高榮譽。政客必須以此為鑑,以感恩之心服務老百姓,並且要慎重行事才對。權力永遠歸於人民!