Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 82 ) - Why nothing is really news at all- March 30, 2012

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 82 ) - Why nothing is really news at all - ALTERNATIVE HISTORY THEORY

by Joseph K. H. Cheng on Friday, March 30, 2012 at 11:15am ·

The above link to a BBC NEWS report is a very useful look at the way we view our own reality. It suggests that we should not only consider what has actually happened but also what might have happened in assessing our own reality and welfare in any given situation. Without doing that we would not have taken a comprehensive perspective in our assessment. This deficiency may lead to a pessimistic view of how things are for us. It pays to take the view that things could always be worse. More importantly, taking a wider perspective will also save us from being fooled by politicians' claim especially the ruling government that they are the only heroes in running our country and that no one else will do.

This report is directly related to the very important and yet generally ignored ALTERNATIVE HISTORY ( AH ) theory. We always talk about opportunity cost in finance and economics. AH is a similar approach applied to our reality. It is well supported by science in the form of the MANY WORLDS INTERPRETATION ( infinite possibilities to be realized by our own choice - free will ) in Quantum Mechanics. Also, MANY WORLDS interpretation of Quantum Mechanics implies that anything can happen no matter how rare it might be just like someone winning a lottery which has only a very slim chance for winning or a very freak accident happening to people. AH's most important lesson is that don't just consider what has happened in assessing your own welfare but also what might have happened. Of course, MIGHT HAVE is difficult to quantify yet without considering the ALTERNATIVE ( possible ) HISTORY we will not be taking a complete perspective in our assessment. For those interested in MANY WORLDS INTERPRETATION of Quantum Mechanics please read chapter 3 of my book - The Universe - A Personal View at this link :-

To be a smart thinker, we must take the ALTERNATIVE HISTORY into consideration when assessing a given situation.

Your views and comments are most welcome !