Friday, January 7, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 54 ) - Jan., 8, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 54 ) - Kicks ( 刺激 ) - Jan., 8, 2011

Everyone needs kicks or stimulus to feel alive because life is only interesting when there are ups and downs along the way. Having said that I must hasten to add that only the benign kicks are preferred. Benign kicks are those that provide one with the excitement to make life worth living but at the same time they must not be addictive to the extent of overshadowing all other important and healthy aspects of one's life especially one's responsibility with regard to work, study, family and society.

On my part my kicks come mostly from meeting challenges presented by the big questions in life and the satisfaction I derive from solving bits and pieces of the puzzle which allow the slowly taking of shape of my own answers to those questions. In my humble opinion, slowly elevating one's level of demand for the higher order of such questions will provide never ending food for thought and so the related kicks can last for a life time. Nor is this the only available benign kick. Go find your own according to your talents be it a healthy sport or an artistic pursuit the main aim being adopting a healthy hobby to feel life as it should be for you. The only precaution is to refrain from letting one thing dominate all aspects of your daily routines.

每個人都需要一點兒刺激,才會感覺自己活着。因為沒有起落的生命,是沒有什麼趣味的。話雖如此,但是良性的刺激,才是尚佳的選擇。良性的刺激,是指那些不 會令人上癮的活動。任何事情,如果上了癮,便會令人忘記自己對學業,作品,家庭和社會的一切承擔。

以我而言,我喜歡接受思考人生大問題的挑戰。我所得的滿足感, 是來自看到點滴的困惑,慢慢地型成有意義的答案。愚見認為,把問題的難度慢慢提升到更高層次,會帶來無止境的挑戰。這樣一來,你一生都可擁有一個玩不完的 嗜好。其實,這並不是唯一的良性刺激。只要根據自己的天賦,然後去尋找適合自己的良性刺激便行,比如,某項運動或藝術創作等。總而言之,尋找到某種能你感到生命是有意義的活動,便會令你無盡地受益 一生。唯一要小心的, 是不要讓任何一件事物,蓋過你一切生活的節奏和目標便成。

JKHC ( Jan., 8, 2011 )