Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 95 ) - Fuzzy Logic and Bi-Valent System

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 95 ) - Fuzzy Logic and Bi-Valent System

Under the traditional reductionist approach no allowance is made for fuzziness. Everything is either black or white, right or wrong. There is no room for may be. This kind of value system is also kwown as a Bi-Valent System whereas the oriental holistic approach is more flexible and acknowleges gray areas. The latter system is what logicians called a Multi-Valent System and more akin to the Buddhists Philosophy. Both these schools of thinking accept the concept of A and Not-A and all the possiblities in between these two extremes. When A equals Not-A it represents the mid-point of the two extremes values such as 0 and 1; black and white; right and wrong. This unique position is just like the delicate balance or equilibrium exhibited in the black and white Yin and Yan sign found in the great chinese philosophy text of I-Ching ( Ching literally means bible in the western sense ) which is full of profound wisdom. Fuzzy Logic is a philosophy of compromise while the Bi-Valent system is one of the extremes of either black or white and right or wrong with nothing in between the two extremes. This is a polarizing and confrontational approach. This really rings a bell and reminds us of the current American President George w. Bush's famous declaration on his policy relating to the infamous Iraq War which goes like this :- “ If you are not with us, you are against us ! “ What about the middle-of-the-road opinions ? Must there only be either friend or foe ? There need not only be just A and B but also A and Not-A. An uncompromising attitude makes unnecessary enemies. May be applying a little Fuzzy Logic would reduce much of the undesirable tension between USA and the rest of the world.

Some scientific minds feel that the Muti-Valent System is more appropriate for the real world which is full of imperfections and should also be used in scientific endeavours if scientific theories are to be applied to the real world and not just the scientists' world of mathematical perfections. Later on in the chapter, we shall see how he applies this Muti- Valent Concept in everyday technologies. However, there is a price to be paid for flexibility and practicality and that is the sacrifice of vigour and clear cut distinction between the positive and the negative aspects of any given problem. To be clear on this point, supporters of the Muti-Valent System do not see this so much a sacrifice as a fact of life that everything is a matter of degree. Since scientists are renowned for their exactness in all aspects of their “trade” so, Kosko becomes a rebel in scientific research. That is why I call him the odd man out.

A very simple example will illustrate the essence of the Multi-Valent System. Once, Kosko told the audience during his lectures that just by asking two questions he could give a vivid picture of this system. First, he asked ;-” How many of you are married ? “ There was no hesitation among the audience and some hands were raised instantly. Then, he asked a second one :- “ How many of you are happy with your marriage life ? “ Some of the married ones raised their hands but after a while a few lowered their hands while others who did not raise their hands before did so gingerly. Then, there were others whose hands were up previously who now tried to withdraw them. It was a confusing scene. Suddenly, everyone nodded their heads in acknowlegement because they finally realized that in life there are many issues that cannot be resolved by a simple yes or no just as there can be no straight forward right or wrong as implied by the Bi-Valent System which can only reflect the man-made perfection of the mathematical world - the preferred language of the scientists. Einstein once said of mathematics as follows ;-“ So far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain. And so far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.“ For more than 2000 years since Aristotle, the western culture has always been based on the binary system ( including our indispensable digital computers ). Everything is based on the discrete values of 0 and 1. There is nothing in between. It is just like the gambler's slogan :-” All or nothing.” The mere fact that Fuzzy Logic is totally founded on a completely revolutionary Muti-Valent System is sufficient reason to raise eye brows among all conventional theorists, hence, the animosity and suspicion from the scientific community at large.