Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 71 ) - May 1, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 71 ) - Why is Asking Why Important ? - May 1, 2011

One of the greatest philosophers of all times, Socrates famously said that :- " The unexamined life is not worth living. " ( one of my own favourite quotations ). After examining life perhaps one will get the truth or at least one's own version of the truth and then the truth will set you free ! Then again, perhaps not in every case as even the great Socrates himself was executed by the state for propagating the truth and accused of misleading the younger generation. Despite the tragic fate of Socrates his protege Plato as well as Plato's student Aristotle all faithfully followed his love for the truth. Aristotle was recorded as having said this about his teacher, Plato :- " Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth. " The logic seems to be that by asking WHY ( examining one's life ) it leads to the TRUTH and knowing the truth ( or true purpose in life ) will lead to PEACE of mind. That is why the truth will set you free !

While I totally subscribe to the " why-truth-peace " logic yours truly is a bit more greedy in life. In my humble opinion, knowing your purpose in life is just the " necessary " condition for gaining peace of mind. The " sufficient " condition is to do your utmost to achieve that purpose which is destined for you. Regardless of success or failure in fulfilling that purpose it seems fair to say that trying one's utmost in achieving one's purpose in life is the hallmark of a successful life. Thus, it is abundantly clear to me that everyone can be successful in life if one has tried his or her best to achieve one's own goal in life. Coming back to the subject of this blog, namely, the importance of asking why, I will just say this. Without asking why there can be no success in life and no peace of mind when we pass on. It is as simple as that.