Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 47 ) - November 21, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 47 ) - Humour ( 幽默感 ) - Nov., 21, 2010

Humour is a light-hearted approach to things that are generally viewed by the majority as serious matters. Humour may be taken as a positive attitude in times of trial for the individual in question. It provides endless support for an individual's struggle against adversities. For example, I am a poor man but still I will say this : - " I am glad that I am so poor because my children will be spared of the risk of being kidnapped for a ransom. " This would be considered as being a humourous remark. Personally, I regard humour as a sign of self confidence as well as a remarkable ability to view a situation from a out of the ordinary angle or higher perspective. Very often ladies highlight humour as a desirable quality for a man especially partner in life. My wife agrees with this completely. However, it could sometimes be carried too far resulting in verbal or even practical jokes with a bad taste. Once this stage is reached humour becomes black humour which is far from a compliment for the perpetrator. Any measure taken to the extreme will be a demerit. In moderation is usually a sensible approach especially in dealing with human affair.

幽默是對一般人認為嚴肅的事情,以輕鬆的態度視之。幽默可被視為一種正面的態度,在遇到逆境時,可以加強奮鬥心, 可以為人帶來無限的支持力量。比如, 我是個貧窮的人,但我仍打趣地說:「 我喜歡自己貧窮,因為我的子女不怕會被人綁架,以索取贖金。」這可以說是一種幽默的言論。在我個人而言,幽默是自信心的表現,亦是種極度超卓的能力。這種 才能,令人可以用超出平常的角度,和更高層次來看事物。女士每每以幽默這質素,作為挑選伴侶的準則。我的太太會十分贊同這種說法。但是,如果將幽默過度,可以淪為尖酸刻薄的言語,甚至變成作弄他人的玩笑。一旦到達這種情況,幽默便成為所謂黑色幽默。這絕對不是一種標榜,而是貶意。任何一種過份的行為, 都會是歪行,不值得鼓勵。採取中庸之道,才是一種合情理的處事方法。