Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 61 ) - March, 2, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 61 ) - The Three Worlds We Experience ( 我們體驗的三個世界 ) - March, 2, 2011

In his giant book of some 1,200 pages called " The Road to Reality - A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe ", famous Oxford theoretical and mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose made an observation that we actually live in three worlds all linked together through our consciousness. These three worlds are the " physical world " which obeys the invariant scientific laws of nature ; our complicated " mental world " of thoughts and ideas which follows complex rules and the perfect world of mathematics which follows pure logic and can very aptly describe our physical world. Furthermore, it seems that the physical world is governed or controlled by the mathematical world through mathematical rules. In turn, the mathematical world seems to be created or invented by our own mentality whereas our mental world is again governed by the invariant laws of nature of the physical world via our physiology such as our brain and other biological systems ( nervous, respiratory, digestive, circulatory systems, etc. )
著名的英國數學物理學家潘路斯爵士, 在他的一千二百頁巨著,「往現實的路」一書中,觀察到我們實際上是活在三個不同的世界中。而且這三者又由我們的意識連貫起來。這 三個世界便是,由不變易的大自然定律所控制的實際世界,神秘 錯綜複雜的思想世界,和由純邏輯主宰的完美數學世界組成。最後者更加能巧妙地和合適地描述現實的自然世界。除此之外,作者更發現到現實世界是由數學世界的 規則控制的。而數學世界卻由我們的思想世界所發明和操縱。繼之,我們的思想世界又由現實自然世界的系統 ( 如神經,消化,呼吸和循環等系統)所支配的。這就完成了數學規則控制實際自然世界操作。實際世界通過生理系統啟動我們的思想世界。我們的思想進一步創造和 發現數學規則,構成這一個單向的大循環了。

To be aware of which world we are dealing with is important insofar as we must apply the appropriate rules ( i.e. invariant scientific laws for the physical world, complex chaotic rules for our mental world and pure logic for the mathematical world ) to achieve maximum understanding and top efficiency in terms of our efforts and relative disposition.

JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )