Friday, November 12, 2010

Prose ( 散文 ) - Staring at the Stars ( 看星星 ) - Poetry & Prose ( 3 ) - Nov.,13, 2010

Prose ( 散文 ) - Staring at the Stars ( 看星星 ) - Poetry & Prose ( 3 ) - Nov.,13, 2010

Staring at the Stars ( 看星星 )

More stars than sand to be gazed upon they are really spectacular and cool.

In my life time they have given me endless comfort and showed me the eternal truth.

Start staring at the stars to learn your life story, too.

Start staring at them especially when you feel blue.

So, let us start what we must do from here and now until you know what to do.
那麼就讓我們開始做我們必須做的事, 直到我們學會怎樣做為止。

When you are born stare at the stars. Their mystical omnipresence will symbolize you.

When you are young stare at the stars. Their illusive twinkling will mesmerize you.
當你仍年輕的時候,請看看繁星,它們虛幻的閃爍, 令你切底地着了迷。

When you are lost stare at the stars. Their lasting brightness will guide you.
當你感到迷失和落魄的時候,請看看星空, 它們的永恆光芒會指引你的路途。

When you are successful stare at the stars. Their profound grandeur will humble you.

When you are angry stare at the stars. Their soothing tranquility will clam you.
當你忿怒時,也得看看繁星,它們有着令人心情舒緩的寧靜, 會使你悄悄地安靜下來。

When you are down stare at the stars. Their glamorous beauty will lift you.

When you are happy stare at the stars. Their constant wonders will excite you.
當你快樂時, 也應舉頭看星,它們有着經常性的奇妙, 會令你更加興奮。

When you are wavering stare at the stars. Their great steadfastness will inspire you.

When you are tired stare at the stars. Their endless energy will revitalize you.

When you are in love stare at the stars. Their unfathomable eternity will reassure you.
當你沐浴愛河時, 你可以舉頭看星, 它們無法量度的永恆存在,令你得到愛的保證。

When you are old stare at the stars. Their everlasting myths will provide dreams for you.

When you are dead stare at the stars, too, for they will all be around you !

For all the above reasons, I love astronomy dearly and would gladly introduce it to all of you.
由於以上諸因,我浩愛天文學,更十分樂意將它推薦給各位仁兄仁姐,予以分享, 奇景共賞。


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