Sunday, November 14, 2010

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 42 ) - November 15, 2010

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 42 ) - Subjective and Objective ( 主觀與客觀 ) - Nov., 15, 2010

I studied science as I love to be logical and objective as if these qualities equated with intelligence and fairness. As I grew older I found that abiding by such standards rendered me less than human. There was a cold spell in my heart as though it were not functioning properly. So, I changed to studying art subjects. Literature and philosophy were my pets. With more subjective values coming into my life I felt more human and I even began to enjoy changes in my emotions whence most of my inspiration originates. I started to use my heart more than just my head and I love it even more. Come university I became more down to earth out of financial necessity and took the commercial subjects. That paid off handsomely but only in financial terms. Now that I am retired I revert to my old wilful ways of being subjective but in an objective way meaning more seasoned and flexible approach in my interpersonal relationships. In short, I am still stubborn but in an empathetic manner. Come to think of it. There is subjectivity in being objective and vice versa. After all, we always depend on our consciousness to make judgment calls based on our intellect which is again interacting with our feelings. Therefore, both elements must be present. We cannot have one without the other. Life is mostly shades of gray. Hence, there is really no absolute truth. Treat people with empathy and one will not be far from the truth of nature that is !

我曾經攻讀理科,這是因為我喜歡自己邏輯與客觀。我一向認為這些質素是等同智慧和公平。長大了卻感到純粹持這些態度做人,會流於不近人情。心中會存在着一 種冷漠,有如心臟操作不靈一般,因此我轉讀了文科。文藝和哲學,是我的寵兒。多了些主觀性價值的浸淫,令我更有人情味,而且也學會享受自己的情緒起伏,這 亦是我的靈感來源。我學會用心中感受而不單用腦袋去處理事情, 我更喜歡自己這般做人的態度。進入大學後,我變得實際了,所以選擇讀商科。這選擇的確令我得到很可觀的經濟回報, 不過只限於此而已。現在退休了一陣只,我又故態復萌了,再度重投主觀的懷抱, 但是在待人接物方面,多了點彈性和少許客觀的成份。換言之,我仍然是固執,但是略帶同情心罷了。回心細想, 我們用意識去作出判斷和抉擇,情感和理智都在互動地運作,所以主觀和客觀的元素, 兩者都必然存在,缺一不能成事。生命就是充滿着灰色地帶的,不要再說什麼是絕對真理了。以慈悲之心待人,這必定離大自然的真理不遠了。


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