Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 59 ) - Feb., 27, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 59 ) - Static and Dynamic Thinking ( 靜態和動態思維 ) - Feb., 27, 2011

Analyzing facts and figures is part and parcel of our daily thinking process. To think smart which is a prerequisite for a modern global citizen we must know something about these two terms. Static means seeing the facts as they stand and dynamic means anticipating the impact of related factors on those facts. Also, static implies seeing the situation as a picture at a single moment while dynamic requires the realizing the relevant trend by projecting into the future. Most of our daily analysis proves to be less effective in terms of predictive power and efficiency because they are static rather than dynamic.
分析事實和統計數據,是我們日常思考的一部分。作為現代世界世公民,我們必須擁有醒目的思維,如要這樣,我們需要了解靜態和動態的思維的分別。靜態是表示 以事實的表面意義和單方面加以分析, 動態思維就是考慮和預計其他相關因素在內。再者,靜態亦表示只看某一定點時間的情形,動態卻要估計和預測將來走勢及動向,作全面評估。我們通常對事物的分 析,多缺乏可靠和準確預測,主要是因為它們多是靜態的分析和考慮。

All statistics are by nature historical facts. Reliance on history normally gives a fair prediction of future events if and only if past circumstances hold true till the projected future point in time. Furthermore, statistics are not precise description of reality. Take this for example, an average middle aged American as the statistics say has an average annual income of US$65,000, 2.5 cars and 1.2 children. Obviously, no one can have 2.5 cars and 1.2 children. Therefore, blindly using statistics will reduce us to mechanical robots.
所有統計數據,都是歷史塵蹟。倚賴它們去預測未來,必須有賴於舊事或過往因素的有效性,才有機會作出正確的預測和分析。例如,統計數字顯示,一個普通的美 國中年人,平均年薪為$65000美元,擁有2.5部汽車和1.2個子女。明顯地,沒有人會能擁有2.5部汽車和1.2個子女的。明顯地,沒有人會可能擁有 2.5部汽車和1.2個子女的。盲目地跟隨數字,只會令人變成機械人,不能變通。

To give you a more tangible example of dynamic analysis or planning, I will cite my own experience in my past voluntary work in China. During 2002 or thereabout my friends and I operated some sort of cooperative arrangement in northern Guangdong besides teaching the children English. We donated some money to set up a fund to make $1,000 interest free loans to farmers to raise chickens to supplement their income. They must repay the loan within a fixed period and the fund will continue to assist other farmers in the same way. Statistics show that the majority are self sufficient in food but so short of cash that their children cannot afford to pay for bus fares to attend classes. Many have to walk 4 hours on a round trip to and from school daily. Rather than handing out charity which is a passive and static way of assistance we decided to take a more dynamic approach to invite their participation in their own financial assistance. This will also give them the dignity of self help as well. So, everyone is happy and proud. Therefore, it is always wiser to think in a dynamic rather than a static manner.
再次以一個確實的例子和本人的體驗,以作說明。在2002年間,我和朋友在中國廣東北部山區,進行一些志願教育工作,給貧困學生教授英文,其間也做些扶貧 工作。照數據顯示,多數農民衣食自足,但現金短缺,引至學童要每天花四小時步行上學。我們便捐款成立基金,貸款為數$1000, 給與貧窮戶,作為養雞幫助家計,並定時償還,再次幫助其他人,令他們自力更生。這樣一來,我們便不只被動和消極地施捨他人,更加顧及他們的自尊,皆大歡 喜。這便是考慮其他因素和效益,動態的思維和分析了。

JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )

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