Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thoughts to you from yours truly - ( 68 ) - April 6, 2011

Thoughts to You from Yours Truly - ( TYYT ) - ( 68 ) - Government Failing the People ( 政府辜負了老百姓 ) - April 6, 2011

As can be seen time and time again it is always the government that fails its people. The most recent natural disasters in Japan culminating in the unfolding nuclear disaster is a case in point. While the whole world marvels at the noble discipline of the Japanese people and their calmness and steadfastness in the face of tremendous adversities the Japanese government is dwarfed and put in a bad light for its feet dragging ( especially over the handling of the nuclear disaster ) and disorganized response in times of life threatening emergency. Not only are the rescue and life supporting efforts proven to be inadequate the Japanese government's less than hand on approach to the nuclear disaster may yet lead to the deepening of the crisis. According to the Japanese constitution the prime minister is supposed to set up a nuclear disaster coordinating department personally headed by him to take direct charge over the calamity. Instead, it was mostly up to the secretary of the cabinet to make sparse announcements on the ongoing crisis and the related disaster support efforts. Only once did the prime minister visit the disaster areas. This is obviously poor performance by any standard.
歷史中有着無數例子, 盡是政府辜負了老百姓。最近在日本發生的極大災難,地震,海嘯而引起核電工廠洩漏輻射事件,又再次證明,永遠都是政府辜負了老百 姓。當全世界都稱讚日本老百姓,展示了無比社會紀律和極度忍耐,卻將日本政府的混亂和缺乏應變能力比下去了。政府對核電危機的緩慢反應,優柔寡斷,都是一派低 效率的寫照。除了拯救和善後支援,都表現差勁外,對輻射洩漏的束手無策,更加使危機有惡化趨勢。日本憲法有規定,如果遇上原子能的意外事件,首相是必須成 立特別委員會,由他親自直接處理。至今,我們多看見內閣秘書,在電視前面發佈言論,首相只有到過災難現場一次吧了。這是十分差勁的工作表現,更談不上鮮明 領導了。

The belated request for international assistance and passive cooperation with the IAEA the UN body in charge of monitoring nuclear accidents all reflected badly on the Japanese government's less than satisfactory efficiency. Apart from the possible intention to conceal or at least delay bad news the naive tendency to avoid the so-called loss of face could be another factor. While all citizens of the world generally expect simply a decent livelihood including basic humans right from their governments all establishments ( to a greater or lesser extent ) are geared at monopoly of power and incumbency of office as long as possible. This is the eternal conflict between the government and the governed. Having regards to the fact that a government should only stay in power so long as the people's mandate is with them there is absolutely no valid reason for its continued existence. Just like the WWII Nazis, the military government of the past Japanese Empire, the Gang of Four in China, the money for votes political parties in Taiwan and even the corporations favouring tendency in some US governments they were or are all failing the people in some major or minor ways. I am not going to do them the courtesy in even mentioning some repressive regimes such as Burma, Cuba, North Korea, the Middle East and Africa. Some of these dictators and other single party governments are holding on to power under the pretext of being the father to their nation. The great physicist, Richard Feynman once said :- " It is easy to cheat people and you are the easiest person to cheat. " This is so true ! Yet we must not forget what some great statesmen ( they are definitely not politicians ) such as President Abraham Lincoln who said this :- " You can fool all the people some of the time or some of the people all the time but you can never fool all of the people all the time. " When you , one of the people, becomes part of the government machinery you must heed these two pieces of wise counsel.
日本政府延遲向外國提出援助的要求,以及其被動地和IAEA(國際原子能監管處 )合作和協調,更顯示了其試圖隱瞞或延遲發佈壞消息,將它的低效率表現無遺。可能原因,除了是試圖報喜不報憂外,更有可能是幼稚的面子問題,希望自己可以 應付一切,直到不能處理為止。所有世界上的老百姓,都是希望擁有一般像樣的溫飽,以及基本的人權吧了,而所有政府都是以不同的程度,去試圖爭取獨自當權, 以及永遠延長統治權。這就是政府和老百姓的永恆矛盾。常理告訴我們,政府是老百姓授權的施政機構,如果沒有他們的同意,那政府實在是沒有存在的合法基礎, 應立即解散,重新經過公平和公開的選舉,再度贏得公民的合法授權,才可繼續執政。就有如二次大戰的德國納粹黨,以前日本帝國的軍事政府,中國六十年代的四 人幫,台灣黑金政治的政黨,甚至美國很多傾向支持大企業的政府,都是不同程度地辜負了老百姓。其他專制獨裁的政權,如緬甸,古巴,北韓,以及某些中東,非洲 軍事政府,更不值得一提。總而言之,一切不尊重個人基本權利的政權,都應受到強烈的指責。這些政權,往往以為老百姓謀幸福作口號,以國家救星自居。其實在這 世界上沒有無了任何人便不成這回事,全都是一派胡言吧了。偉大的物理學家,李察費應文( Richard Feynman )說得對:「 人是十分容易被欺騙的,而你自己便是最容易被你自己欺騙的人了。」不過我們也應聽取林肯總統的名言:「你可以暫時欺騙所有人,或長期欺騙一些人,但是,你 不可能長期欺騙所有人的。」當你有機會成為政府機構的一員,請深深反省以上的智理名言。

JKHC ( 鄭冠合 )

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