Sunday, July 9, 2017

House of Cards came to life when Trump met Putin - Independent

House of Cards came to life when Trump met Putin
Fans noticed the meeting between the pair at the G20 summit bore a strange familiarity to the Netflix series

Power plays became the central theme of this year's G20 Summit, as political commentators looked eagerly on to Donald Trump's reception amongst the rest of the world leaders.
Of particular interest, of course, was the first encounter between Trump and one Vladimir Putin. The pair were initially caught on camera exchanging a rather casual greeting, outside of Trump's limp attempt a friendly back pat.
An initial preview of what would later be their first public meeting together, which saw Putin staring straight at the floor as Trump made his proclamations.
"President Putin and I are going to be discussing various things and I think it’s going well," he stated. "He had some very very good thoughts. We look forward to a lot of very positive things happening for Russia and the United States."
A moment that, when caught on camera, seemed particularly intriguing to fans of Netflix's House of Cards, struck as they were by a sudden sense of déjà vu.
That's a shot of Kevin Spacey's US president Frank Underwood and Russian president Viktor Petrov (Lars Mikkelsen), with the latter actually taking a large amount of direct inspiration from Putin himself. Though all the pee-pee tape and election meddling allegations are, unfortunately, strictly reality.

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