Saturday, March 24, 2018

Warren Buffett Barely Makes More Than Average Berkshire Workers - Bloomberg

Warren Buffett Barely Makes More Than Average Berkshire Workers
By  and
March 17, 2018, 9:38 AM GMT+11

Berkshire Hathaway Inc.’s Warren Buffett is scoring particularly well on a new rule requiring companies to disclose the ratio of a chief executive officer’s pay to that of the median employee.

His annual compensation of $100,000 was just 1.87 times the median employee’s pay of $53,510, a figure calculated from a sample of about two-thirds of Berkshire’s total employees, according to a filing released Friday. He also gives back about $50,000 to the company “for minor items such as postage or phone calls that are personal,” meaning his take-home pay would be less than that median figure.

Buffett’s not struggling for money. He’s worth about $88.8 billion, making him the world’s third-richest person, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. A chunk of that wealth comes from his stake in Berkshire itself, where he’s the largest holder of Class A shares, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Billionaire executives at other firms including Leon Black at Apollo Global Management LLC have also reported favorable ratios.

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